Thursday 23 June 2011

life's simple pleasures

Lately I have had a bunch of time to myself.  TIme can be a dangerous thing, just you and your thoughts together.... you really get to know yourself! I have taken this time to ponder on what seems to make my days a little brighter.  

Here is a list of some of the simple pleasures I have been enjoying:  

ice cold glass of water with lemon.

the color orange. 

my wonderful Nike running shoes. 

beautiful churches. Free People sundresses.

a bright blue sky with puffy clouds. 

homemade Oreo and peanut butter truffles. 

None of these pleasure are anything too extravagant on their own, but used in the right way can really put a big smile on my face!

Today I challenge you to take a moment, stop, look around you, and find a simple pleasure for your day. 

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