Friday 24 June 2011

My Super Secret Happy Surprise!

So that silly secret surprise I was so excited about...
Yesterday was an awesome day as Mike and I hopped in the car and drove 9 hours north to Chicago! All for the sake of surprising Miss Susannah Bean on her (belated) birthday! We told her we weren't going to be able to make it (and we weren't), but after both Mike and I got bummed we decided to drive up anyway, make it happen, and surprise her! Chris was in on the whole thing luckily (we had to have someone up here help us coordinate!) We were going to surprise her at work but decided just sitting on her couch when she got in from a long shift was a better idea. We're super excited to be here and help her start off her 25th year! Do you read Susannah's blog? If you don't, you should. She's adorable! We're off to make a day of it! Hopefully I'll be back to share more soon! xo

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