Friday 10 June 2011

the Heath children

How adorable are these three?



These little rascals are the Heath children. They belong to a very good friend of mine who had asked me to take some pictures for her father (grandpa) for fathers day. We chose to do the shoot on the rail road tracks for sentimental meaning to the family.  Their grandpa has worked for the rail road system in Arizona for many many years.  Traveling all over the state weekly working on the tracks.  Just recently, grandpa was caught in a hotel fire when he was out working, which caused major smoke damage to his lungs.  Since then he has not been able to work on the tracks causing pain and sadness among the family. 

Taking these pictures was really inspiring for me.  I cannot wait to hear the reaction grandpa will have when these little ones present him with his fathers day present. :)




check out more pictures under the Photo Shoot tab

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