Monday 26 January 2009

Welcome to the 23rd Tablescape Tuesday

ANNOUNCEMENT: Tablescape Tuesday will be moving to Thursday, beginning, Thursday, February 5th.

That means we will not be tablescaping Tuesday, February 3rd. You will have a couple extra days to get your next tablescape post ready.

The poll that was runnning on my sidebar indicates the majority of you are looking forward to this change. I personally would prefer it also, because I feel bad posting Mr. Linky for TT on Monday evenings, when Metamorphosis Monday is still going on. Now we will have a little separation between those two events, giving everyone more time to visit all the great Met Monday posts.

Shelia (Note Songs) made the darling pink TT logo when I first created Tablescape Tuesdays. She has graciously offered to change the little logo to read Tablescape Thursday; so check back here as it gets closer to Thursday, February 5th, to pick up the new logo/button. I will continue to add a little reminder to each post over the next few days about the changing of the day to Thursday for tablescaping. Nothing else is changing...only the day of the week for this event.

But for today...wonderful tablescapes await your visit!

Recently I was "chatting" with my good friend, Vicky, who happens to be a wonderfully talented gardener and decorator. Some of you may remember her beautiful home and garden pics from Rate My Space. If you've never had the pleasure of strolling through Vicky's breathtaking gardens at RMS, then you are in for a wonderful treat. I'll never forget the first time I saw her driveway! this is a view I would love to come home to everyday!

Vicky's creative talents are not just limited to gardening...she is also a very talented decorator. Recently, she was asked by one of her clients to create a tablescape for a dinner party she was planning. Her client had set a relatively small budget. The only information she provided Vicky was the menu, Lamb Stew and Salad, and permission for Vicky to use anything she already had.

Once Vicky decided to use her client's "casual" dishes for her tablescape, she drew her inspiration from the colors in the china. To stay within the budget, Vicky used the client's four existing placemats, then purchased four more to complete the table setting. She was also able to incorporate some candles her client already had...saving additional expense.

Vicky came across the cute birds and tall candle sticks at Pier 1, while the napkins and napkin rings were a great find at Target. Notice the beautiful greenery...this client definitely picked the right designer! Using her savvy gardening talents, Vicky pulled from the client's own gardens to create this gorgeous tablescape.

And the wonderful table runner...Vicky told me she "used a yard of fabric from Hancock Fabric for the table runner, no sew, just tucked it under." I love the earthy tone of the fabric and the additional texture it adds to the tablescape. I'm stealing this idea for a future tablescape; shhhh...don't tell Vicky! :-)

The tablescape was such a treat, I wanted more! Vicky graciously agreed to share a few pics of her beautiful dining room. Vicky changes the vignette on her dining room table with the changing of the seasons. Don't you just love this adorable spring vignette with all the cute little baby chicks?!

The mantel doesn't get overlooked, either...more glorious spring! About the mantel, Vicky said, "The mantel was a gift from the husband of a friend. He brought it home for her and she did not see the beauty in it. I did!" He even finished it and installed it for her!

I especially love this view because we get the added treat of seeing the gorgeous mural that covers Vicky's dining room walls! Vicky told me the mural was a Christmas present from her husband. She said, "It was done by a local artist that I use in my work. I told her I wanted a landscape with water. I then followed with DON'T BRING ANY BLUE PAINT! I do not like to use the color blue when decorating for myself or others. That was in 2002 and I still love it. It does make me stay true to my style and limits my choices, but I love it anyway." Vicky, you aren't the only who loves it!

A beautiful fall display...

Vicky told me she had her beautiful table made and then finished it and the chairs herself! I love how she has it decorated for Christmas. You can see Vicky's love of nature in all that she touches.

Oh, how I'd love to have a fireplace mantel to decorate in my dining room! Lovely centerpiece!

Thank you, Vicky, for sharing your talents with us on this Tablescape Tuesday! To take a stroll through Vicky's wonderful gardens, just click HERE. If you have any questions for Vicky, feel free to leave them here with your comment...I'm sure she'll be happy to respond.

Don't forget to stop by the links posted above to see more beautifully decorated tables!

If you are participating in Tablescape Tuesday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Tuesday logo button to your computer to upload it to your side bar and to use it in your tablescape post. That way visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting you blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Tuesday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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