Sunday 11 January 2009

Coming January 19th: Metamorphosis Monday!

Yipee! The poll results are in and the response to Metamorphosis Monday has been great! Seventy blogs (51%) are looking forward to participating and fifty-nine blogs (43%) are not sure if they will participate, but are looking forward to viewing the blogs who do participate! That means over 94% of all the folks who voted, are looking forward to Metamorphosis Monday! :-) So get those post ready; Met Monday starts Monday, January 19th! :-)

We all enjoy seeing a "Before" and "After" post. It's so much fun, even exciting, to see a room or space transformed from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. Beginning on Monday, January 19th, you will be able to visit this blog, Between Naps on the Porch, each Monday and find links to lots of great "Before and After" projects all across Blogland.

The following is a small sampling of the "Before and Afters" you could post or see posted on a Met Monday:

Room renovation, large or small (kitchen, bath, bedroom, laundry, garage, porch or any room or space, in or around your home)
Closet re-design or reorganization
Floors refinished or redone
Exterior redo/repaint/addition
Garden Renovation or Addition (Flower or vegetable)
Furniture reupholstered or painted
Boxes of photos, organized or displayed in creative ways
Blank wall transformed with art, photos, mirrors or whatever you've used
Items on bookshelves rearranged for a whole new look
Rooms changed from a "winter" look to a "summer" look with slipcovers, pillows, rugs, etc
Any transformation where you have a before or after pic to share.

If you would like to participate, here's all you need to do:

1.Copy and Paste the Metamorphosis Monday button/logo to your sidebar to let others know you will be participating in the upcoming Metamorphosis Monday.

2.Create your Met Monday post showing your Before and After Project. Please be sure to mention and provide a link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch, so your readers will be able to find links to all the other Met Monday post that day.

3. Then, on Sunday evening, by 10:00 PM, you will find Mr. Linky set up and waiting for you at Between Naps on the Porch. To use Mr. Linky, you will need the "permalink" to your Met Monday post. What is a permalink? A permalink is the direct link to your Met Monday post, instead of just your general blog address. It will give your visitors a way to find your Met Monday post easily...even weeks later, without having to search through lots of other posts.

Permalink: It's easy to get the permalink for your Met Monday post. All you will need to do is right click on the title of your Met Monday post, select "copy shortcut", then paste that specific link into the Mr. Linky box you will see here when you come by to sign up. Directions will also be posted each Met Monday, so don't worry...have fun! :-) (I'll be using Mr. Linky for Tablescape Thursday, also.

Looking forward to all your great Met Monday posts!

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