Wednesday 14 January 2009

Winter Blues

A little birdie told me you had the winter blues...

So I was thinking...since Old Man Winter is here to stay for while, instead of fighting those winter blues, why don't we just embrace them.

Come on over here; I have the perfect spot for you...a comfy blue chair...

And a nice, hot cup of tea, served from a Blue Willow teapot...

How about a fluffy, soft pillow...

With a pretty, blue wreath design...

And of course, you'll need a great, blue book to go with your hot tea. Here's one of my favorites, Winter House by Charlotte Moss. Amazon says, "a Winter House is a place to recharge your body and your spirit....the perfect reference for creating your own winter sanctuary."

Winter House is full of beautiful pictures that will warm your this one. ~~SIGH~~

So, here you are...relaxing with your Winter House your cozy, blue chair...

In the warm glow of a blue candle...tucked into a little blue candle holder...

With a little, blue birdie resting sweetly on some lovely, blue doilies...crocheted many years ago by my Mom :-)

I'll just tip-toe out now...enjoy those winter blues! :-)

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