Thursday 1 January 2009

You Have Spoken!

Thank you! Thank you to the 350 individuals who participated/voted in the poll that's been running for the last two weeks at the top of my sidebar. I hope everyone who wanted, had a chance to vote. As I type this, it occurred to me that some of you may not know, when you vote, it is completely confidential. Neither I, nor anyone else, can see who voted or how they voted. I used to wonder about that myself before I became a blogger. So rest assured, your vote is always cast with totally anonymity.

Now for the results: You may recall, in this poll, you could choose as many answers or choices as you liked. So how did you vote? By far and away, your favorite subject to read about or view when you visit a blog, or at least, this blog, is "DECORATING". Out of the 350 people who voted, 321 chose Decorating as one of their favorite subjects to read about when they visit a blog. That number represented 91% of all those who voted. No other topic/subject came even close to getting the number of votes "Decorating" received.

Your 2nd favorite topic, was a good ole virtual shopping trip to an antique shop or flea market. 219 of the 350 individuals (62%) who voted, enjoy an outing to an antique shop or flea market.

Your 3rd most favorite subject to read about when you visit a blog is "crafting or making things," with 209 out of 350 folks (59%) choosing that as a topic they enjoy reading/learning about.

Cooking/Recipes or a Humorous Story or Experience followed not too far behind with 54% and 52% of the vote, respectively.

Your least favorite topic to read about are awards given to, or by, the blogger. Only 24 people out of the 350 folks who voted (6%) have any interest in reading about awards.

Birding didn't do much better. Only 49 people out of the 350 who voted (14%) have any interest in reading about birds or birding when visiting a blog...or at least when visiting this blog. Of course, there are blogs that are completely dedicated to birding and obviously the folks who visit those blogs, which include me, would have voted "birding" as being a great interest of theirs.

If you would like to see how Gardening and some of the other topics faired, take a look at the final results of the poll, which is still posted part way down on my side bar. I'll leave it there on the sidebar for a few more days.

Some of the results of the poll were close to what I expected. I did expect the topic of decorating to be very popular. Much of what I post could fall into that if you are visiting here, chances are you are interested in decorating.

But I was surprised to see you enjoy the shopping trips to antique stores/flea markets, as much as you do, since those are usually local to the area where the blogger lives. Maybe virtual shopping is almost as much fun as the real's certainly a lot easier on the pocket book. :-)

I wasn't surprised about the lack of interest in reading about awards. When I've done a post about awards I've been given or am giving to fellow bloggers, those posts always received the least number of comments/responses from my readers. Maybe I shouldn't think this way, but I tend to gauge what readers of my blog enjoy, by the number of comments I get on a particular post. If I post something and I have a lot of comments, I tend to believe that post was of interest to those who visited. Fellow bloggers, do you think that way, too...or is it just me?

I came up with the idea of doing this poll on the spur of the moment one night. I left off two of my favorite topics that might have been interesting to have on the poll: Tablescapes and Historic Home Tours. Tablescapes somewhat fall under the heading of are "decorating" a table, so to speak. And a home tour, historic or otherwise, is almost always a "decorating" tour, as well. So hopefully those two subjects are of interest to readers who visit here...sure hope so, anyway.

Bloggers and Non-Bloggers...tell me what you thought about the poll and the results. Did it come out as you expected?

If you are a blogger, are you surprised at any of the results and will it influence what you blog about?

Thanks again to all who participated!

Happy 2009!

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