Thursday 22 January 2009

Now You Can Have Your Very Own Jean-Claude!

You may remember when I posted this tablescape a couple of weeks ago for Tablescape Tuesday...

It featured this handsome rascal...Jean-Claude. :-) Well, apparently Jean Claude has swept a few of you ladies off your feet with his devilish, I mean pigilish, good looks. He's been getting fan mail and all the mail asked the same thing, "Where can I get my own Jean-Claude?"

Here's what Jean-Claude normally looks like when he isn't moonlighting as a waiter. :-) I think he may actually be a butcher, by trade...what do you think?Ladies, take heart! I have some good news! I searched online and found that Jean-Claude has a handsome brother, Nicolas-Henri. (see below) Currently he is a prestigious chef...see his hat/ a restaurant and store by the name of Brix of Napa Valley. Isn't he the cutest thing? I just had to order him since I couldn't bear to think of Jean Claude being separated from his brother.

It turns out Jean-Claude and Nicolas-Henri have quite a few brothers! So you can order your very own chef! :-)

I called Brix of Napa Valley and talked with Valerie. I asked Valerie if they might be having any upcoming sales. She said yes, and gave me a special code she said I could share with all of you, which will give you 10% off...that basically ends up covering the cost of shipping. You may either call and order over the phone at the number shown below or you can order online. The code you will need in order to get 10% off is: PIG2009.

Valerie told me all their Chef Pigs are very well made and nicely painted. She said they are one of the most popular items they sell and that they have trouble keeping them in stock. She just got 12 in today, but some are already promised out. If she runs out, she will place another order.

So now, you can have your very own Jean-Claude in your kitchen, too. Since I'm hiring Nicolas-Henri to supervise me while I'm burning...uh, I mean, cooking meals in the kitchen, I'm putting Jean-Claude in charge of running my Mud Room/Laundry Room. I have a special island just for Jean-Claude to supervise from, in that room.

Click HERE to purchase your own Jean-Claude at the online store for Brix of Napa Valley or you can call the number below:

For Catalog or Online Inquiries: 877-944-2749;
Brix Restaurant and Wine Shop
7377 St. Helena Hwy
Napa, CA 94558

Need Your Input:
Met Monday was a great success and our second Met Monday is coming up this Monday, followed by Tablescape Tuesday. I have a little poll running at the top of my blog about the proximity of those two events. I chose Monday as the day for Met Monday since I work full time and knew it would help having the weekend to prepare a post for that event.

But, I've been wondering how you feel about MM and TT being back to back...or if you would prefer they be further apart with our Tablescaping day actually being on Thursday? Nothing would change about TT, but the day of the would become Tablescape Thursday...that is, if you all vote to move it to's up to you!

Also, I want to make sure I'm giving those who participate in Met Monday, plenty of "air time", so to speak. I was wondering if spreading the two events further apart, might be better for those wishing to visit all the links for MM and TT. Just let me know what you think by voting in the poll. I am fine with either choice, but I'm leaning toward moving Tablescape Tuesday to Thursday.

(If you would like more information about Metamorphosis Monday, just click on the Butterfly logo posted on my sidebar. For more information about Tablescape Tuesday, click on the pink TT logo.)

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