Tuesday 2 November 2010

Outfit Post : Monday, November 1

Yesterday was a very productive day. Mike and I woke up and got right to business. We had a lot of small things we had to do... errands here and there. Postal runs, bank, pay some bills, etc. We managed to get all of that accomplished and then headed to Nashville to look at an Xterra I had found online. It was a beauty. Exactly exactly what we were looking for. Right in our price range, the perfect color, and the right year/body style. Everything seems rather perfect, but we still have to have my car appraised before we'll know if we can go forward or not. Hopefully Friday proves a good day for us in that department... If not, I'll keep my little Solstice until we find the perfect replacement. (Seriously... please cross your fingers for us! I can't wait to be out of my little matchbox car and into something with substantial room!) I feel like I've just grown up and grown out of that tiny convertible. It's time to get in a big girl's car! 

Anywhoo - We did a few things in Franklin and had lunch at Genghis Grill. If you live around the area, we highly recommend you go eat there! It's one of our favorites. It's so easy to eat vegetarian/vegan, and it's deeeelish! We headed out to the Natchez Trace Parkway afterwards and took some outfit photos for the week (shh! Pretend you didn't hear that. I'm a busy girl... sadly our schedules don't sync up and I can't take them every day just yet! But soon! Sweet sweet graduation, I can sense you!) We were out there for several hours and went on several little nature walk adventures before returning to town and going to Panera. The internet wouldn't cooperate so we ran necessary errands afterward and headed back home. We stopped and picked up some film from Walgreens we had developed and came home for some yummy vegan "egg" rolls and red pepper paninis while we caught up on Weeds and Community (and I snuck some homework in there, too).

Now for some photos - You're going to notice a trend on the blog this week... That trend: Colored tights! I know, I know. I'm behind the times. Well, to be perfectly honest, I've always shied away from them as I thought I was too curvaceous to make them look good. Well, I'm throwing caution to the wind and sporting moss green, eggplant, navy and bright bright red this week! (The navy and red have been done before, but I'm loving the green and purple!) I'm not huge into playing up colors together so I stuck with a muted, militant color palette today. (But you'll see more exciting stuff later!)

dress: forever 21 (ollld!), tights: target, flats: target, cardigan: target, belt: forever 21.

The bridge you see behind me is the Scenic Overlook on Natchez Trace Parkway. It's pretty famous (so I've noticed) and it's truly a beauty. So many people drive by and have to stop for photos. It's truly remarkable. The view from the top is breathtaking! I used to drive out and take photos of it for photography class my sophomore year. It's not uncommon for it to be proudly displayed on the front of Tennessee postcards, too! 

Today will hopefully be a good day, too! Mike and I were going to venture out to Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and catch the Chihuly exhibit on display. We saw Chihuly at the Frist, but it's supposed to be so much more captivating in an outdoor setting! It's free today so if you're around the area, I suggest you go! It's such a gorgeous exhibit and it's so so very inspiring! They're only open until 4:30pm so I'd advise you get there early! I wish we could go but Mike doesn't get off of work until 6pm. :( Also- Toy Story 3 is out today! I can't wait to swing by Target and pick up a copy! I loved it so much and I can't wait for Mike to see it! 

Well, that's all for now, but I hope you're all having a wonderful week so far! Can you believe it's already November?! Christmas stuff is out in full force and I couldn't be more excited! 

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