Saturday 7 May 2011

Little Sailor "Seas" the Day!

kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical
kaelah bee outfit nautical

Today Mike and I slept in. Heavy. Then we woke up and had no real plans aside from several episodes of US of Tara. (Our weekends are really really low key since we get home from my job at like 4am). Around 1:45 our tummies started to growl so we decided to get dressed and actually do something for the day. After 45 minutes of failed attempts of parking downtown (holy tourists!), we opted for Panera on West End (just like Thursday!). I'm kind of on this "I wanna try all of Panera's salads" kick and well, they're delicious. Just in case you were curious! We noticed the TACA TN Crafts Fair was going on at Centennial Park so we decided to seize ("seas", I'm so funny!) the day by heading over. We didn't expect it to be as large as it was but it was nice. We didn't really find anything that tickled our fancy but I did get a lot of info on TACA and the like for future shows! We took these outfit photos by the half bow of a cement ship in the park. Such a strange thing, but it's pretty fun. I'll share photos from the Craft Fair and snippets of this week/weekend in the next day or so!

Now we're back home and I have to leave for work in 3 hours. I'm ordering supplies for more fascinators and with that being said, I think I might just make an actual "grand opening" launch date for the shop rather than just be "next week" so I can get some packaging supplies, too. We'll see! I'm ready to get them up and out since I already have a handful of custom orders to fill, but I don't want to rush it! I want everything to be branded perfectly. Can't wait to share the branding with you this coming week!

Tomorrow I'm heading 100 miles west to see my family for Mother's Day. I hope your Saturday has been spectacular! xo

Forever 21 dress
Forever 21 cardigan
Walmart tights (clearance!)
Target flats
Not Made In China tote

PS; I've received both a message of "hating my black funeral tights" and "wearing a dress and tights every single day" and I can happily say that what you see is what you get. I love sharing outfits on my blog and yes, they are absolutely interchangable when it comes to being tights, cardigans and dresses. That's all I wear. I switch it up with colors and patterns and fun shoes/purses, but I will always be wearing a dress. If that doesn't fill your desire for "wild and fun" then please, happily unfollow and seek the excitement elsewhere. I gurantee you'll see me in a dress and cardigan almost every day ;) That's how I dress. Also- I love black tights. ♥

PPS; I'm loving having white plugs again! My 1.5" plugs slid right in the other day and I couldn't be more thrilled!

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