Thursday 19 May 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Seeing as Blogger was on the major fritz last Thursday, the weekly TiLT post was only up for a short while. Then it was deleted and it took all of the comments with it. Bummerbears! Well luckily I still have all of the content formatted up so this week you're getting a razzle dazzle double dose of enchantment! If you caught a glimpse of last week's then it'll feel like deja-vu for the first half, but they're still awesome so it's totally excusable, right? Cool! On with the show...

♥ this saying. (it's true! i do!) ♥

this tattoo shop ♥

these pretty stones ♥

♥ these shoes ♥

this dreamy porch ♥

♥ these ~chill pups ♥

♥ these precious kitties ♥

♥ this amazing hotel room ♥

this Southern disaster relief effort ♥
(buy a tee + 100% of the proceeds to go victims of the tornado outbreak)

these super stinkin' cute new Omerica plugs ♥
(did you know you can get 20% off your Omerica Organic order with the code KAELAH? yeah, well, you can! now go buy something pretty for yourself. or a friend. or me ;P Mike and I both love our Bloodwood pair, but sadly we've outgrown them. Time to order new ones!)

♥ these gorgeous dresses! *swoon* ♥

♥ these heart waffles + pink syrup and sprinkles! ♥

♥ this adorable coffee infographic ♥

♥ these nautical cupcakes! ♥

♥ these cute nails! ♥

♥ these pretty rings ♥

♥ this sweet pup macro ♥

♥ this tattoo's evolution ♥

♥ this. just this. haha ♥

♥ this picture makes me yearn for picnics! ♥

What are you loving this week?

PS; We raised over $200 for disaster relief here in the south! Thanks to everyone who took part! So proud of the love! xo

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