Monday 23 May 2011

I Got A Bike

so this weekend i went and got a new bike!!!!! it's so cute. my boyfriend and i ended up just going to wal-mart just to check them out and see what options that they had. i ended up falling completely in love with a cute little cruiser/mountain bike. it's perfect.

we were debating whether we should spend the money on both of us purchasing bikes, but we decided that it would be good exercise and just fun to have bikes so we could go riding together.

we went on our first bike ride last night and it was a blast. i do have to say that not being on a bike for quite some time, it definitely wore out my legs and my glutes! but it was so much fun! i hope to be able to take this bike with me wherever i go. as a method of transportation. it's going to be perfect during the summer months. saving money and getting good exercise.♥ 

ps. we got bike locks and even silly helmets. but 'better safe than sorry' i always say!


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