Tuesday 17 May 2011

hive+honey Poll!

Hey honeybees! I whipped up a few different designs for the fascinators that will go live in the shop shortly! This definitely isn't all of them but I thought it might be a good call to post a few up and get some feedback! If you follow me on Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram then you may have seen some photos yesterday! But I decided to take some color-correct photos and open it up for everyone to share the ones they like best! That way I know which ones to make plenty of so that you all get to snag up your faves! 

The ball is rolling quickly on this one so I'm hoping to keep up with the pace! Hopefully I'll have some news early next week! 

SO! Let me know your favorites! There are cotton, chiffon, satin, denim, etc! Plenty of awesome fabrics and textiles to choose from! xo

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