Friday 13 May 2011

Behind the Scenes

The past week has been full of craft-show exploring, discount rack digging, fuji apple salad eating, funny hat wearing and traffic navigating. I'd say that's been pretty successful, yes? Yes indeed! I'm lucky to share my life with someone so spectacular. I've got pretty stellar friends and family, too! BRB, Pinching myself.

The song is Follow the Arrow by Rosi Golan. Love love love. Sets the mood for today so perfectly!

Blogger's technical difficulties aside, I'm working on getting things ready to gooooo! I'll be sharing with you a bit later today the new name (and branding) of my shoppe! Stay tuned!

What did you do this week?

PS; Day 5 of no soda! Diet or otherwise! So far so good! I feel like I've actually kicked the craving already. Now I need to keep refilling our PUR pitcher so I can stop wasting plastic bottles (& money!) How is your #30DayDetox coming?! The Twitter feed is so inspiring! xo

PPS; Hopefully Things I Love Thursday will fix itself! Blogger promised a back-up. If not, it'll be back in rotation next week! 

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