Tuesday 10 May 2011

Oh, Happy Day! Celebration Time!

This past week I was out of town Friday through Sunday. I created some posts ahead of time and was able to read and moderate comments from my smart phone, but I didn't have a lot of computer access over the weekend, nor much free time. Thanks so much for all the Mother's Day wishes you left on Sunday; I appreciated those so much!

This was a special Mother's Day for me because it's the first one I've been able to spend with my son, Chip, in three years. For the past three years, he's been attending law school many states away at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

This weekend was extra special because it was also graduation weekend! Woot, woot!

After the "conferring of degrees" the graduates waited patiently for their name to be called.

Chip is being "hooded" in the picture below.

If you've been reading BNOTP for very long, you know I rarely blog about family, but I can't let the really big milestones slip by without sharing those special moments with you. :) Chip graduated Magna Cum Laude, ranking 8th in a class of 161. Update: He found out after his last semester he moved up in rank and graduated 7th in a class of 161. :) Awesome!

While in school, Chip served as the Business Editor and a Staff Writer for Law Review, was a member of the Moot Court and a Member of the Mock Trial Team. This day was the culmination of three years of steadfast nose-to-the-grindstone dedication and perseverance.

Chip and I squinted in the sun for a few additional pics after the graduation ceremony. Unfortunately, I had a severe headache right behind my left eye. Nothing would have kept me from this day, though. :)

Chip and his sweetheart, Nancy humored Mom and Dad for a few more pics. This summer it's a graduation; next summer we'll be celebrating a marriage. :)

After graduation, it was party time. Chip (second from the left with hands together) is pictured here with some of his best friends and fellow law school "survivors." ;) You can just see the relief and joy in their faces. Oh, happy day! :)

Next up for these talented young men: taking the bar exam and finding jobs. If you know of a firm in Ohio or in the southeast that's in need of a hard working attorney, please e-mail that info to me at betweennapsontheporchatgmail.com and I'll forward it straight on to Chip. With so many firms laying off lawyers right and left over the past few years, the job market is pretty tough for those just graduating from law school.

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