Friday 13 May 2011

Introducing... hive + honey

It's been in the works for quite a while now, that's for sure! But I'm happy to finally unveil my newest shoppe endeavor, hive + honey. hive + honey will be an exciting handmade adventure for me and it will focus around the handcrafted fascinators you've seen on the blog recently, as well as some other projects and collections which will launch at a later date. It was so important to me to brand the shoppe in a way that was cohesive and implied, not only through my personal branding, but also that of this little blog. That's why I'm working on a possible redesign for Little Chief Honeybee as well! I've loved the coral pink and blue for a while now, but even if I decide to keep the colors, I'll be updating various bits of the overall design to be more matchy-matchy.

The shoppe will be launching within the remainder of the month, and you'll be able to snag up one of the fifty-or-so pre-made fascinators that I've been laboring away at. All of my promotional materials have not arrived so they will be added to orders once they are delivered.

Why a new shop? you might ask. Well, it's simple. You know by now that my two little gals, Pipkin and Georgia, are very near and dear to my heart. They are my pride and joy and I treat them just like they were my children. (I mean, c'mon... they both have health insurance, and I don't!). Their health and well-being is top priority in my book. Pipkin is laying in my lap this very second with a stitched up tummy and a bloody nose. She had two surgeries this morning (a routine spay and she had her nostrils clipped). Her pinched nose was causing her a lot of breathing difficulties. Georgia, my sweet little baked potato, is having two eye surgeries on Thursday. These will be her fifth and sixth! You can imagine the financial damage that does on one's wallet, yes? I've decided to use this as motivation to get my shoppe back up and running again under a new name and new direction.

Capitalizing on the "Bee" aspect of my name, I'm continuing to brand the under the umbrella of Kaelah Bee and Little Chief Honeybee. There will be lots of exciting things rolling out in the next few days/weeks/months and I hope that you'll all be a part of it! xo

PS; Feel free to weigh-in with your thoughts in the comments below!

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