Monday 30 May 2011

Mintsicle Pastel Pop

Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. And that's okay! That's okay, I have to remind myself constantly. Between being sick, missing work, pulling muscles and making plans, I've lost my blogging mojo a little bit! Mike's work schedule was crazy this weekend and I spent the whole time cuddled up on the couch with a bottle of Robitussin and some Kleenex. I'm happy to report that it's passing though! I've only got a slight remaining cough (thank goodness!). Thanks for all of your sweet words this weekend! You're the best! 

This outfit is what I wore yesterday when I went to the store real quick. Bad call on my part. You know those embarrassing coughing fits you get into in public sometimes? The ones where people stare at you, half in sympathy and half in that "the devil is going to jump out of your lungs!" way? Yeah, that happened to me yesterday. Awful. I didn't have a bottle of water or any hard candy with me. My eyes were tearing up from trying to hold it in haha! I reverted back to 7 year old me when my Nana always carried hard candies in her purse for that reason! Smart woman.

No color palette for this outfit because my CS5 trial expired so I'm trying to get that squared away. Not having PhotoShop/Illustrator is hard for a graphic designer. Also, you're getting a bajillion photos because I'm just learning Aperature and junk.

Today Mike and I taking the girls down to my parents house for a few hours. Just to chit chat, relax, and maybe get in the pool if I feel up to it. Nothing fancy but I wanted to share some love with the blog! xo

Ross no-name dress
Target cardigan
Rampage flats
Urban Expressions bag
DIY floral crown

PS; I still have a few large/medium sponsorships available for June! Email me at and I'll get back to you all tomorrow! 

PPS; Peep the two different shoes in the first picture! Yeah, I walked out of the house like that and Mike couldn't resist himself. 

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