Friday 27 May 2011

Why I Made the Switch to Google Chrome

Today, I received this comment from Jo.

Awesome win! Congrats to Trishden!!
On a totally separate note! Susan are you not having problems with, everyone is experiencing problems!..Are You having any problems with your blog????
If not, can you give us any tips???
May 27, 2011 8:11 AM

I thought I'd answer here in case others are having problems, too.

Disclaimer: I am definitely NOT an expert on all things Blogger so take and use the following advice at your own risk. I can't be responsible if this information doesn't prove helpful for you...just sharing what has worked for me. Please, proceed with caution!

What I Do When Something Goes Wrong with Blogger:
1. Panic
2. Stomp feet and in general have a hissy fit (Kidding. Sort of.)
3. Check the Blogger Forums, Blogger Buzz, Google Help and Google the problem

Recently, Blogger was giving me fits whenever I attempted to create a new post or correct a typo in an older post. When I opened an old post and switched over to the "html" view to make a correction, the entire post collapsed on top of itself, jamming all wording and pictures together. What???

I did what I always do, I immediately checked Blogger Buzz and the Blogger Help Forums. Those are the first places I recommend you go if you encounter any problems or questions with Blogger. It may not always provide solutions but it will normally tell you if this is an isolated problem with just your blog or a problem lots of blogs are encountering.

When I checked the forums, several folks were complaining about the same issue I was having.
From what I have read in the Blogger Forums, apparently IE no longer works properly with the old post editor. Folks were saying Blogger worked with Firefox and Google Chrome, but not IE. I already had Firefox on my computer, so I tried it to start with.

It cured the collapsing problem I was having with the post editor but the "Publish" button would NOT work. I had to switch back to IE (remembering to NOT switch over to the HTML view) and hit "Publish" from there. What a nightmare!

Google Chrome Saved the Day (and my sanity...what's left of it):
Next, I downloaded Google Chrome and Blogger functioned beautifully again. In fact, everything functioned better after that, including G-mail. Gmail was faster, pages loaded faster; everything was faster and functioned properly.

In Summary:
If you're having trouble with Blogger while creating posts, try downloading Google Chrome as your browser, just in case that will solve your problem as it did in my case. And any time you run into problems in the future, check Blogger Buzz and the Blogger Help Forums for tips and information that may prove helpful. That's where I read about the Google Chrome solution.

There are a lot of posts on the forum right now about folks losing their Follower list. Yikes! The only suggestion I have regarding that is to make sure the Follower Gadget is still installed on your sidebar. Perhaps some change Blogger made recently removed it.
Update: Mine disappeared on Friday evening but reappeared several hours later. got me.

Problems with leaving comments:
Click HERE to read what Blogger has to say about problems folks are currently experiencing when trying to leave comments. Apparently, they are aware and are trying to fix this issue, too.

Oh, one more tip: Whenever you're having trouble doing something in Blogger, no matter what it is, "Google" the problem. Chances are someone has had that same problem and you'll find it and a solution via Google. That has worked for me many times. Often, it will take me to a specific forum where the problem is being discussed.

(Pssst: If you follow BNOTP on Facebook, you may have already seen a comment I made on the BNOTP FB wall about this problem several days ago. The link to follow BNOTP on Facebook is on the sidebar.)

I just received an e-mail from someone recommending THIS site for advice on Blogger.

Have you been having any problems? If so, please share what has worked for you.

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