Wednesday 9 December 2009

A Christmas Tablescaping Story: Welcome to the 68th Tablescape Thursday!

A Tablescaping Story

Once upon a time, long, long ago, a young, happy couple graduated from college...He from lawschool, She from undergraduate. A few days later, they celebrated their 1 year wedding anniversary and as summer came to a close, the starry-eyed couple loaded up a U-haul, and along with their sweet, furry kitty, headed off to a far-away land--alllll alone. He was going into the the Army Reserves, but first, he had to complete Officer Basic Training at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland.

Upon arriving, with little time to look for an apartment before classes began, He and She rented the only apartment they could find in the city of Havre de Grace, Maryland that allowed pets. The apartment was only a block away from the scenic Chesapeake Bay on a street with a name that reminded them of New Orleans--Bourbon Street.

It was a tiny, one-room space with a very tiny bathroom. It was in the attic of an old, old home...a home that turned out to be owned by a mean, wicked old witch. The witch charged the young, naive couple a huge ransom to rent the un-airconditioned, attic room which contained only one very small window. Fortunately, for the couple and their sweet kitty, it was September and the hot weather would soon be gone.

The tiny little room had just enough space for a small bed and a little chest-of-drawers tucked under one eve,

And a make-do kitchen consisting of a hotplate, toaster oven and small refrigerator under the other eve.

Each time the young couple returned home and opened the door to the long, narrow stairway leading to their tiny attic room, they were greeted by their sweet kitty.

Each day, He went off to learn to be a warrior for his country and She stayed home in the tiny attic apartment dreaming of when he would return. One day She thought, she really should find something to do to pass the four months before they could return back home. She taught herself to macrame and crochet. She signed up at a local craft store to take a class in "Dip-and-Drape" which turned out to be a very messy process involving "dipping" fabric into a starchy, mixture...and "drapping" it to create shapes.

For Halloween, She made a dip and drape witch. (visible in first pic) Then, for Christmas, She made Dip and Drape carolers. While She took classes some evenings, He took a calligraphy class and a class learning to make stained glass pieces. He wrote beautiful calligraphy on her caroler's hymn books, and made lovely stained glass birds to give as Christmas gifts to friends and family when the young couple would return home. She made macrame Santas to give.

Finally, the day came when the couple could leave to return home. They packed up their U-Haul, said good-bye to their tiny attic apartment and to the mean, wicked witch who kept their whole deposit, a small fortune to the young couple just starting out.

The couple had learned about much more than just macrame, dip & drape and stained glass. They learned that there are those who will take advantage of naive, young couples, even at Christmas. But they also learned they could survive far away from friends and family, and that even mean, wicked old witches could not dampen their Christmas spirit.

Now 30 years later, the carolers find their place in a simple tablescape.

They carry many memories.

Are you surrounded by memories this Christmas,

As you bring out the special treasures from years past?

Tonight, I am thankful for you.

Each time you visit here,

You create wonderful memories.

Memories I will carry,

In my heart...

For many years to come.

I truly hope this Christmas....

Finds your heart filled with many, many happy memories.

And I pray you are surrounded...

By friends and family who love you.

This is the season of love,

And hope,

And Joy!

Merry Christmas, Dear Friends!

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful tablescapes!

Dinner Plate: Lenox, Butler's Pantry, Gourmet
Salad Plate: Marshalls
Flatware: Big Lots
Napkins: Pier 1
Napkin Rings: Ross
Glassware: Gorham, Festive Holly, Marshalls (I think)
Santa & Mrs. Santa Salt & Pepper: Publix Grocery Store
Snowflake luminaries: Colonial Candle

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The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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