Sunday 27 December 2009

Christmas Tour of Homes...Decorating for Christmas... Welcome to the 50th Metamorphosis Monday!

For this Metamorphosis Monday, I thought I'd take you inside one of the homes I had the privilege of touring this year on the Marietta Pilgrimage Christmas Home Tour. This charming Victorian cottage-style home with wrap-around front porch, was built in 1901 and the owner, Tricia, generously allowed me to take a few pics to share with you all. Come see how Tricia transforms her Victorian cottage at Christmas time.

Beautiful garland encircles the front door...

As I was standing with three friends, waiting to go inside for the tour, one of them said, "Hey, take a pic of the shadow on the wall." It is awesome, isn't it?! It cracks me up that now when I'm out somewhere with my friends, they are pointing out great shots to take for "the Blog." :-)

The entry speaks beautifully for the rest of the home...


A tree decorated with vintage on the pic to see it up close...

Everyone loved this cozy bedroom. Rooms do not need to be large and "grand" to feel beautiful and inviting. There's just something about the old 'em! Note the picture rail that you see up at the top of the pic. Why don't we still put those in our homes...such a neat idea!

A guest room with adorable twin the green and white color scheme...

This whimsical piece was at the foot of one of the beds...

A comfy chair in the same room..

Love the mirror, the wreath AND the light fixture~~~sigh~~~

Another gorgeous tree....

Tricia has an amazing creamware/ironstone'll see part of it on this tour...

Tricia finds wonderful, unique ways to display her ironstone...

We were drooling over her beautiful collections...

I'll show you Tricia's table setting on Tablescape Thursday. :-)

I LOVE this!

Tricia, thank-you for sharing your beautiful home.

A few more pics from the tour:

This was the home where I worked as a docent on one of the tour days. I loved the magnolia garland around the entrance.

As well, as the magnolia topiaries at the foot of the steps.

I took a peek down inside of the garland and they used a faux garland underneath, attaching the magnolia leaves in clusters with wire all around the garland.

I didn't take any pics inside the home where I worked as a docent, it was soooo packed with folks on the tour. So the rest of the photos I'll be sharing are just a few random shots I was able to take when I took the tour the day before. Unfortunately, picture taking was not allowed in many of the homes and so often when I could take pics, there were too many people around to get a good shot, but hope you enjoy the ones I did snag. Some of the following pics were taken during the day and some were taken on the candlelight tour that evening. It was a dark night so please excuse some blurriness.

A wonderful way to decorate above the doors of the carriage house...

Ivy Grove was open this year as one of the "public" homes on the tour.

Inside, the rooms were decorated by locals shops, I think.

Isn't this charming?

One of the stores had this display on the landing area upstairs. I asked about this garden tree and was told it was purchased at Scott's Antique Market.

So if you live in the Atlanta area and have been wanting a tree like this for your garden, head to Scott's this spring. These are great for hanging bird feeders and such.

Another one of the homes on the tour...

It was so dark out this night...many of my outdoor shots are blurry. I included this pic so you could see how they decorated the fountain with ornaments. :-)

This home wasn't on the tour, but isn't it beautiful lit up at night...

I'll leave you with some fun shots...a daytime shot, before the swing takes on a metamorphosis at night. :-)

An evening shot: You may not be able to see the swing on the far right if your computer is set at a lower resolution, so I've added this same pic at the end of this post without enlarging it.

After I photoshopped out the orange road construction barrel...much better. :-)

Thanks for coming along for the tour!

Looking forward to seeing all your "Before and Afters."

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Fabulous "Before and Afters" await your visit:

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