Tuesday 15 December 2009

Mischievous Mice...They're Back!

Last year, right around this time, some cute, mischievous mice showed up at Michael's home (Designs by Gollum.) You may read about them HERE. Then the next thing Blogland knew.........

I caught them...in the act! It's Michael's mice!

Last night I curled up for a good read of that wonderful Christmas classic by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. Sipping on a steaming mug of hot chocolate, with a crackling fire close by, I must have dozed off. I couldn't believe my eyes when I awoke!

After stuffing themselves silly with hot tea and scones all night at Michael's, these two little mischievous mice have scurried over to my house where they have been caught red-footed. Would you just look at what they have done to my reading glasses!

And it appears those little stinkers have left Santa a message...

Eeek! I liked them better when they were covered in chocolate and had cherry stem tails! I shooed them away, but now I'm wondering...where will they show up next in Blogland? :-)

(Mice/Glasses are by Enesco and the name of the ornament is "One Foggy Christmas Eve."   It's the third in a series called "Christmas Spectacles" and was produced in 1991.)

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