Tuesday 1 December 2009

lots of pictures.

heres a CRAP TON of pictures from my iphone because i didnt have time to do the mixtape monday today :( i spent 13 hours on campus working on my flash website and advertising (but they're both almost done! yay!) tomorrow i dont have holistic (yay!) so i can sleep in a little. my last advertising presentation is at 3pm. huzzah! then we MIGHT go for beers at the pond but we haven't decided yet. tonight i just kicked it at school with the girls, it was nice. i went and saw josh for a few minutes and now i'm laying in bed, wishing i could sleep.

heres a lot of photos. ill try to explain. most of them are just me being irresponsible with my money and shopping a lot. its what i do i guess. i look SO narcissistic but i try to do the "outfit" posts and i dont have time or patience to sit and take a self portrait with a tripod and remote. i just dont. so iphone photos will have to suffice for my blog. and peep how i wore the same dress on THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND TODAY! win! it's been washed since friday, but still. hahaha im classy.

i always take photos of myself at work in the bathroom.

at my parents' on thanksgiving


new boyfriend blazer.

new cardigan.

new incredibly comfy zip up hoodie (im wearing it right now)

new cardigan with silver sequin bow

new fuzzy vest thing

work on saturday night. new shirt. rufffleeeeeyyyy goodness.

new pale pink cardigan.

new badass dress with a badass pyramid belt

new tacky awesome sweater

new dress

new dress

i didnt actually buy this one. it was so not cute or flattering. ha.

more of this cool new dress.

exactly what i look like RIGHT NOW. oh hayyy hipz & lovehandlezzzz. ;)

and look how messy my bathroom is. I CAN'T WAIT TO CLEAN WHEN I GET ON BREAK!

my new favorite vintage brooch. its a sailboat, y'all!

what i wore today. with my new cardigan i got yesterday!

sick of looking at my face yet? haha sorrrry! i wish i had more interesting things to share with you today. instead, ill just be kind of bummin' in this whole week im lame. i know.

you should all give me your favorite songs/artists/bands of the moment! share YOUR music monday stuff with me! even though tis technically tuesday now. 2:22am. HEY DECEMBER!


PS; BEFORE I FORGET! i got an exciting email from Brickfish saying one of my tshirt entries had been chosen as a Staff Favorite and it's featured on the homepage of Brickfish.com! yay! its far from the best one but its still nice nonetheless. if you could take a minute to vote for each of my shirts (or at least the top 5?!) i'd be so so so forever grateful! you can vote one time per shirt per 24 hours! let me know and ill be glad to do something in return if you'd like! or upload your own and ill return the vote! you can see my 14 designs by clicking HERE! thanks y'all!

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