Monday 7 December 2009

how much is too much?

with just one day of classes left (read: only one class, really) for the semester, i feel farther away from break than i did 6 weeks ago. it's amazing how some things in life have the ability to do that. its as though i can see the light at the end of the tunnel... it's getting closer. it's getting bigger. it's getting brighter. oh wait, thats a train.

things are piling on top of each other and i feel like i'm fighting for air. all i have left to do is drop off my holistic wellness journal and present my CMS VeganPod website that i built tomorrow. except my site isn't complete and i haven't started my journal. no one to blame but myself, there.

today was rough.

i woke up in the most fantastic mood ever, left nashville and was driving to class a few hours early so i could work on my websites when a huge chunk of firewood flew off someone's trailer and smashed into my windshield as i drove 70mph. i was so so so so incredibly lucky that i wasn't hurt. i'm blessed that the windshield managed to withstand that and i didnt swerve into traffic because the interstate was packed. had that gone through my windshield, it could have very easily killed me. or at the very least hurt me significantly. i was alone when it happened and absolutely terrified. i took down the driver's tag # because i couldn't wave him down. i pulled off the interstate and called the police. it took a hot minute (read: 55 minutes) for them to show up, and then another hour to write up the report and send me on my merry way. 2+ hours i lost working on my website that was due at 1pm. luckily my professor cut me some slack because i told him what happened. i've been dealing with police reports and insurance claims all day. nothing is going right. i have a huge gash in my windshield with no idea of when it will be replaced. its frustrating because the guy didnt do it on purpose, but the insurance company wants to charge him a $500 deductible when my windshield will only cost $300-ish (so they want him to pay $800 total! what a rip off! i hate the way they take advantage of people!) anyway.. i digress. all will be well soon.

all of this hullabaloo (can you believe this is a real word?! firefox didn't underline it in red or anything! and it underlines its own name! try it... type hullabaloo and firefox! ha!) has left me little to no time to perfect my site for tomorrow and im just frustrated i guess.

i've been thinking about blogging a lot lately. like writing about personal matters such as relationships, etc. how much is too much? i've definitely found myself having to explain myself to people lately because of breaking up with adam early last month and then seeing people ask "who is this mike character?" "you sure did move on from your ex awful fast" ugh. i'm a pretty open person when it comes to things and i dont mind talking about them, but the other people in the situation don't always enjoy being talked about, you know? i'm not worried about how i will look "professionally" with my blog, etc, simply because this is who i am. 110%. unabashed. unashamed. the good. the bad. and the days without makeup. and i want to tell you all about mike (and luckily he doesnt mind, i asked this time! haha) but at the same time i have to try and wonder when i'm being TOO open, know what i mean? i love being open and being able to relate to people who read my blog. maybe you went through a crappy break-up or you rekindled something amazing with someone from your past. no matter the circumstances, its nice to know you're not always alone. maybe thats why i blog. and maybe thats why i'm so open. and hopefully i'll be able to introduce mike to you the way i see him. he's utterly fantastic. i'll post what i've written soon. :)

hopefully i'll get back into my weekly rotation of posts, too. this semester has REALLY been something else... just 1 more class. 1.5 hours til freedom. ideally.

ps; if you want a christmas card from me, send me your information! you can email me, if you wish! i've got roughly 50 cards and they're reading for the taking!


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