Wednesday 18 January 2012

Inspiration for Your Valentine's Day Table: Welcome to the 177th Tablescape Thursday!

Hi Friends!  How was your day?  I spent the first half of mine in a contacts exam.  Finding contacts that work as they should when you' age, isn't much fun.  Monovision doesn't work anymore (been there, done that) and astigmatism makes all lens choices a challenge, even the ones that are designed especially for astigmatism.  We're going to try a new multi-focal.

Have you heard of Duette contacts?  They are a hybrid lens, rigid gas permeable in the center of the lens and a soft lens everywhere else.  They won't work for my eyes but it's an interesting concept for sure.  Google it and you can read about them.  I love that they keep trying to come up with new ideas for contacts, "poking the box" as Seth Godin would say.
After a morning at the eye doctors, the afternoon was spent at my credit union having a safety deposit box drilled out.  The key was lost long ago and I claim zero responsibility for that.  I'm not naming names, but... ;)  Did you know when you lose your safety deposit box key, they charge you $175 to drill out the lock?  Writing that check was painful.

The box hadn't been opened since 1991 and opening it today caught me completely off guard.  It was like opening a little time capsule.  Tears were shed as I went through the contents.

It contained all matter of stuff...nothing of monetary value, just wills and birth certificates bearing sweet little footprints. (sniff) There were papers with signatures of loved ones who are no longer here. That was the hardest part...I miss them so much. Yup, lots of tears.  Warning:  Don't open safety deposit boxes alone...take a friend.  And Kleenex.  Seriously.

I had intentions of posting a new table setting today, but once I finally got back home, I realized I was missing something I really wanted for the table, something I'm not even sure where to find.  So, I'll hold off posting that table setting for one more week.

This week, with Valentine's Day only 3-4 weeks away, I'm sharing a few pics of past V-Day table settings, along with links in case you would like to view the full table setting and get all the details, including any tutorials or information regarding the items used in the table setting.

Happy Tablescape Thursday, dear friends.  I'm so glad you're here!

Valentine's Day, 2010

This table was inspired by those cute candy message hearts we see everywhere this time of year.

For details and additional pictures of this table setting , go HERE.

Valentine's Day, 2011:

The centerpiece for this Valentine's Day table setting was an easy-to-make candy bar sundae.  A truffle acted as the cherry on the top.

You'll find the tutorial for the candy bar parfait/sundae HERE.

For details and additional pictures of this table setting , click HERE.

Valentine's Day Breakfast, 2011:

For details, recipe and additional pictures of this table setting , click HERE.

Valentine's Day, 2009:

Same tablescape, but moved to the breakfast room...

For details and additional pictures of this table setting , click HERE.

Looking forward to all the tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday!

To receive the latest posts, as well as updates about blog parties, subscribe via an RSS Reader or have BNOTP delivered right to your Inbox.  You'll find links to subscribe via RSS at the top of the sidebar to the right.  Thanks for reading; so glad you are here!

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*If you are reading this via email or RSS feed, to view all the tablescapes linked for Tablescape Thursday, click HERE.

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If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar, into the "url" box when you link up.

You'll need to include a link in your post back to the party in order to link up and participate.  That's so visitors to your blog will be able to find the party and  the other Tablescape Thursday participants.

If you would like to use the Tablescape Thursday logo button in your post, just copy and paste it to your computer and upload it to your post as you would any photo. Or, grab the html code you'll find under the "Parties" heading at the top of this blog.

Please, don't add your post name/blog name ALL IN tends to create big spaces between the rows of links. Thanks!

Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course.

Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!

oh, How friends

the best part about Wednesday is......PINTEREST!

I am linking up again today with The Vintage Apple for OH,  How Pinteresting. 


I came across the picture below and fell in love.  Recently my best friends have been even more apart of my life.  They have always ALWAYS played a huge part,  but since the new year it has gotten even strong.  I am such a lucky girl. 

I want to reenact all of these photos.  How amazing!

artificial plants & more!

marcos and i went out shopping this weekend, and we found some really cute artificial plants over at the local ikea. i had seen them on a blog and fell in love with them. we went out with the intention of getting a few items that would make our living room feel a little bit more cozy. we didn't really have anything on the walls and our small decor was limited/none (we have cats).

so. we got these little plants, along with a whole bunch of other things, and decorated our room! i am so excited to show it off... i just need to finish sewing the pillows!!

Tuesday 17 January 2012

10 Must-Haves on My Winter Survival List

I love, love, love hot weather.  When I used to work in an office environment, when my fellow office mates thought the temperature was just right, I was cold.  If it felt just right to me in the office, everyone else was roasting.   Cold weather is not my friend.

Over the years I've found ways to deal with Old Man Winter.  Today I thought I'd share a few things that are high on the "Susan's Winter Survival Gear" list.    Be sure to share what's on your cold weather survival list...I would love to hear what gets you through these cold, dreary days of winter.

Flannel Sheets:
I love me some flannel sheets.  In fact, I have to fight myself to keep from putting them on the bed too early in the fall season.  It's so nice to crawl into bed and have it feeling snugly warm when you get in.  Remember the days of electric blankets?  Wonder if they still make those?  

I put this on my lips every night before I turn in.  It's also a handy size for your purse.  You wake up with soft, conditioned lips, ready for another winter's day.

Thick woolly socks:
If my feet are warm, I'm warm.  I LIVE in the thickest, "woolliest" cotton socks I can find, all winter long.  I found some at Kohl's one year and they have lasted through a gazillion winters.  Land's End and LL Bean sell them made with merino wool and they are supposed to be soft and not scratchy.  I can't wear wool sweaters...they make me itch even through thick turtle necks.  Has anyone tried the wool socks made with merino wool?  Wonder if they are less itchy?  I'm sure they are nice and warm.

I used to wear these all the time when I worked as a Social Worker and spent my days out in the field on appointments. You never knew when you might find yourself spending the day in a home without heat or standing outside a home with police and paramedics.   I still love them for times when I'm going to be out doors a good bit.  They don't add bulk under your clothing like regular ole long underwear.  They cost a little more than normal long underwear, but they are super warm and comfy.  I noticed the tops are on sale right now at Land's End.  Don't know why the bottoms aren't.  Strange.  Watch for these to go on sale in some of the online stores, then snag you a pair.  They also come in round neck and turtle neck styles.

I can survive any winter, no matter how cold, if I just have a few good books by my side.  Cicero said it best:  “A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Hot Chocolate:
Gotta have a mug of hot chocolate when I curl up in front of the fire with a good book.   (Tablescape can be viewed HERE.)

Static Guard:
Love this stuff, but not for what you think.  I was whining to someone a while back about all the static I have in my long hair come wintertime.   I always use a really good conditioner, but it doesn't seem to help stop the static issue.  My friend suggested Static Guard.  Before I sprayed the Static Guard on my brush, I checked the side of the can and sure enough, you can use it on your brush for static issues with your hair.  And it works!  It lasts quite a while too...basically all day.  So no more hair sticking to my face and driving me totally bonkers all winter.

Udderly Smooth:
My sister was the one who first told me about this lotion.  Can you guess what it was originally created for.  Those spots on the container aren't just there for decoration. lol  I've been using the one on the far left, but I may try the stuff on the far right with Urea next time.  It says it's for really dry skin...and yes, Urea is what it sounds like. lol   But what the heck.  The regular stuff is so great, I'm willing to try the intensive stuff, too.   I love that it absorbs immediately into your skin and doesn't leave it feeling greasy.  Good stuff.

Small Heater:
One of these lives in my office all winter, usually up under my desk.  Love the warmth.

Since I'm so cold natured and almost always have a small heater running in my office, I try to drink lots of water during the winter.  Very important to stay hydrated.  I usually keep some in the car, too.

What's on your winter survival list? Can't wait to hear!

January Sponsor Giveaway!

Sponsor related stuff is usually always posted on Saturdays but that pesky sickness made me push it back a bit! Have no fear, pretty and fun things are here! ;) Below are three of LCH's finest January sponsors and they're offering up a heaping load of goodies for one lucky winner. I'll just go ahead and take one of everything, please! Peep below how you can enter to win! xo

Win a $35 shop credit to the online retail boutique, Lola-Rocks! Feel free to spend it on whatever your heart desires! The prices might really surprise you... A few of my suggestions: a pink gingham sundress, a nautical inspired number (paired with a yellow belt!), or a bright red party dress

 The lovely Melanie of Neesie Designs is giving away two awesome hair accessory pieces from her Etsy shop. We stock these pretty pieces in Honeybean, too (They'll be making their way into the online shoppe so stay tuned!) They sell like hotcakes because they're so well made (and adorable!) so you definitely want to check them out! My favorites are: Orange Rust, Gold Bullet Headband, and Black Diamond Feather!

 Miss Kathryn just added some fun new infinity scarves to her etsy shop, and she wants to give one of you lucky gals your choice of color! Her shop is full of so many bold and bright colors. They're the perfect way to add some zeal to any cold and gloomy winter day! My money would be on the mustard yellow, because I pretty much always want everything in mustard!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

To enter to win, drop by the sponsors above then leave a comment below telling me your favorite piece in each of their shops(Be sure to leave your email or twitter name with your comment so I can contact you if you win! You can spell it out like kaelahbee at gmail dot com to avoid spam!) This is just one entry. Please include all 3 "favorites" in one comment!

If you'd like additional entries you can.... 
+ Follow the blogs above/leave a sweet comment (one entry per blog followed, up to 2!)
+ Follow the sponsors on Twitter (one per follow, up to 1!)
+ "Like" the sponsors on Facebook (one per like, up to 1!)
+ Tweet/Blog/Tumblr about this giveaway (one per share, up to 3!)

If you kept tally then you'll notice that is up to EIGHT entries! Please be sure all additional entries are in separate comments so they can be properly counted! Entries not left separately will not count, sorry! A winner will be drawn next week and contacted shortly thereafter! Good luck! xo

Bubbly Tuesday!


I apologize for missing yesterday.  How was everyones MLK day? Who got a 3 day weekend, and who was stuck at work? I had the opportunity to go into work, holiday pay and time and a half? Yes please....Do you know how many camera lenses I can purchase with that? haha!! I have been crazy busy these past few weeks.  Trying to heal my hand, latest update: good news it that it is not broken, bad news: all the tendons in the thumb are pulled there for the muscle doesnt work properly.  I can not grab, have strength, or pretty much use it at all.  This is getting annoying and making my photography painfully long.  Ice and ibprofen  is the answer. 

SO what are we doing today? I am so excited for today.  I am meeting up with an old friend who I reconnected with to play with our cameras. She does photography as well...yayy!!! Both shoot canons, have similar styles, and can learn a lot from each other.  It feels so good to connect with old friends.  I truly believe that people are placed in your life at certain times for certain reasons.  That old saying "when one door closes another one opens" has been nothing but true in my life these past few months.  Sometimes you need to stop fighting the grain and just start to go with it!

link up and share your Bubbly Tuesday adventures :)

not enough yellow

my boyfriend and i went out this weekend to find some cute things for our home. we are re-decorating our living room so that it's more simple, and so it all matches. we're thinking of this color scheme... i simply love it! it's so bright and so fun. there's just not enough yellow anywhere in our home!

i'll be posting pictures once we're done!

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