Tuesday 31 May 2011

June Giveaway: Instax Wide Instant Camera!

Abandoned House - Hwy 31

I'm excited about this month's giveaway because we're giving one of you lucky gals (or guy!) an Instax 210 Wide camera! We bought one last year and love love love it! Don't be fooled... it's a beast! It's a lot bigger than the Instax Mini version! But the best part? The photos are twice as wide, too! It has it's pros and cons, so if you're curious about which one you'd prefer, check out my post on the Instax Mini vs the Instax 210 Wide! And enter to win below!

All you have to do to enter is:
Be a follower of this blog with Google Friend Connect! (Click "Follow" in the upper nav bar and follow with Google/Blogger, Twitter, Yahoo, or Aim!) and then leave a comment with your email address! (This is just one entry!) You must do this entry first to be eligible for additional entries!

To gain additional entries, you can blog (or Tumblr!), tweet, update your status on Facebook each with a link over to the giveaway 
or "Like" Little Chief Honeybee on FacebookJust be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry and leave the link to each one! Overall that's FIVE ways to win! 

*If you tweet about the giveaway, please use this tweet: "Fab Giveaway Alert! @kaelahbee is giving away an Instax 210 wide instant camera on her blog! http://tinyurl.com/3r6dtt3

(You must include a link to the giveaway in your tweet/blog/status update! Several people have just been tweeting at me or leaving a comment on Facebook... I'm not sure how that would enter them! ;P *PLEASE NOTE: tweets to me, in my Tumblr ask box, or comments left on my Facebook will not count as an entry! The point is to share this giveaway with others and make them aware of it! ;P)

A winner will be announced at the end of the month! Good luck! (Don't worry, there will still be other sponsored giveaways going on in the time being!)

Haint Blue for the Porch Ceiling

While vacationing recently in Savannah, Georgia, we saw many beautiful, historic homes with wonderful front porches. It was not unusual to find the ceilings of the porches painted a color often referred to here in the south as "haint blue."

Back in the day, folks could be pretty superstitious. Many believed if you painted the front ceiling of your porch haint blue, it would look like water and keep the haints, (restless ghosts and bad spirits) from entering into your home, because as everybody knows, haints can't cross water. What? You didn't know that? ;)

Well, I'm not really the superstitious kind (knock on wood) but I love tradition, folk lore and just some old fashioned, southern nonsense from time to time. It's fun and keeps life interesting, if you know what I mean.

I almost painted the ceiling of my front porch blue when I added it to my home a few years back. In the end I decided it might not work so well with the Benjamin Moore, Heritage Red paint I had chosen for the front door, so I ended up going with white.

Let's take a look at some homes with ceilings painted haint blue. This grand home in Savannah was sporting a blue ceiling. Let's cross the street and take a closer look.

Do you see the blue?  You can tour the inside of this home in THIS post.

Definitely a haint blue ceiling if I've ever seen one.

Remember this home I shared in Isle of Hope a few days ago. Yep, a blue ceiling?

The porch ceiling of this home in Grant Park was painted a pretty shade of haint blue.

When we toured the beautiful homes and gardens in Greenwood, SC we saw more homes with blue ceilings.

If you've been reading BNOTP for a while, you may remember the tour we took of this Second Empire (Mansard) historic home on the Newnan Ramble.

We get a glimpse of the ceiling here and it's a pretty haint blue shade. So, you may be wondering, how do you chose the right blue if you're going for a haint blue porch ceiling?

After I posted HERE about so many porch ceilings being painted haint blue here in the south, Lori with Color Strategies sent me samples of some of the blues that are considered historically correct haint blue colors. Thanks, Lori!

I scanned the samples Lori sent into my computer and I've posted them below in case you are looking for that perfect shade of haint blue. All colors below are Benjamin Moore Paint Colors. I think my favorites are Ohio Haint Blue-Light and La Maison Bleu-Light.

First Set:
All Benjamin Moore: Top: La Maison Bleu-Dark; Middle: La Maison Bleu-Light; Bottom: La Maison Bleu-Medium

Second Set:

All Benjamin Moore: Top, Savannah Haint Blue-Light; Bottom: Savannah Haint Blue-Dark

Third Set:
All Benjamin Moore: Top: Ohio Haint Blue-Dark; Bottom: Ohio Haint Blue-Light

You can read more about the legend behind the color haint blue in this article written by Lori HERE.

While in Savannah, we had to go on one of the many, many ghost tours offered in this city that claims to be the most haunted city of all. Yep, that was our tour mobile.

One of our stops was the Warren A Candler Hospital, the very first hospital in the state of Georgia. This hospital is believed to be the second oldest general hospital in continuous operation in the United States. During the War Between the States, the hospital was used to care for Confederate soldiers, so this building has tremendous history and supposedly a lot of ghosts.

It has long since been closed and unfortunately left to fall to ruin. Of course, our tour guide said no one will touch it because it's so haunted. (Cough, cough) Our guide dared us to set foot on the balcony and I couldn't resist a little ghostly fun. I have some pics from the ghost tour of some of Savannah's most haunted spots. Let me know in a comment if you would like to see those and I'll post them sometime. :)

You can click on any of the highlighted links in this post to see tours of more beautiful homes here in the south.

Also, there's a great article HERE in the Washington Post about painting porch ceilings blue. They mention some other great colors you may wish to consider. One is Benjamin Moore's, Caribbean Breeze.

See you this evening for Tablescape Thursday!

In Nashville? Want Your Picture Taken?!

Kaelah's Graduation Outfit

Got yourself a cute fiance/husband/boyfriend? Want some snazzy photos of you taken together? Are you a mom with an adorable family? Want some family portraits? How about just a regular ol' guy or gal who wouldn't mind some professional photographs to use online? Mike is now booking FREE portrait sessions through part of June! He's looking to fill out his portfolio, achieve a certain aesthetic, and do what he loves to do most... photograph people!

I'm so very lucky to live with someone so talented and driven. His passion is photography and that is undeniable. He's motivated and determined to make it his life career and I am behind him 100%! He takes all of my photos for this little blog so you should be familiar with his work! The above pictures are of Miss Susannah Bean and her beau, Chris! Two of our very favorite people in the whole wide world!

Maybe you're on a shoestring budget and can't afford engagement photos? Whatever the case may be, we'd love to work with you! (I say we because I'd obviously be there... as his "assistant"... toting around bags and gear! haha) If you live in Nashville/Franklin/Clarksville, etc, or anywhere (as long as you can travel to Nashville) then email me and let's set something up! We're willing to travel within 20 miles of Nashville if the location is that great. Mike loves to shoot outdoors, on location, with interesting backdrops.

If you take part then you will receive a .zip folder with the edited images after the shoot and you can use them online, have them printed at Walgreens, or whatever! If you're interested, please email me at kaelahbee@gmail.com with the subject line: "Photoshoot!"We can discuss when and where, and props, too! It'll be fun, I promise! xo

PS; The winner of the $50 Urban Outfitters giftcard is: Brandy Nicole! Congrats! I'll be in touch! xo

money saving tip : allowance

so i don't think i have blogged about something new that my boyfriend and i are doing to save money... so here it goes...

as we all know... i have a spending problem. i guess i just don't realize how much money i spend each month until i sit down or my boyfriend sits down and actually calculates it out. i spend far too much money on clothing, accessories, shoes etc that i never really wear. so. in order for me to keep my priorities set high and my budget kept to a minimum, we have decided that we will each get an allowance each month.

so i have been waiting for a few weeks to go out shopping! i have had my eye on a few things. i got a cute maxi dress, crochet nude toms, tigi wave artist and some extra large bobby-pins.

it's really fun going out shopping once a month and getting things that i really want, not things that i really want but really don't need. it makes me think what i would use more and what is most realistic to actually purchase. i would highly suggest this to anyone trying to save money!




Date With The Night

kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee
kaelah bee

There's something undeniable about the Yeah Yeah Yeah's 2003 album "Fever To Tell." It's one of my all-time favorites. (Fun fact: I bought the album in Hollister of all places! Yeah, I was into Hollister/A&F in high school... oh how things have changed!) I received this dress in the mail from the TopShop brand, LOVE! One of the dresses I chose was this gorgeous bright fuschia number with the high collar. It came with a skinny belt but I opted for a thicker black belt with a prominent gold buckle to match my Triple Triangle necklace from Little Pancakes. These shoes are oldies from Charlotte Russe that magically lived through the flood (they were at the tip top of my closet so the water never reached them!). I felt like I was about to meet some fab lady friends for happy hour drinks in this ensemble. Hence the "Date with the night" by YYY!

Yesterday we celebrated Memorial Day at my parents' house with swimming and grilling. My cough is getting progressively better so we're on the upswing, honeybees! We came back into town and cleaned the whole house before settling into bed. And today... today is a productive day! Lots to do, that's for sure! Be sure to play the song under the photos to set the mood for the day! Happy Tuesday!

Charlotte Russe blazer
Thrifted belt
Target tights
Charlotte Russe suede ruffle heels
Triple Triangle Necklace c/o Little Pancakes

PS; You might want to peruse the Love website a little bit! You may or may not have a fab chance to win a pretty frock from there later this week! (If you want my opinion, my favorites are totally: Anthea and the Gold Pleated dress. But wait! The dress I'm wearing above also comes in Peach (I die!!!) and Champagne! Peach being my favorite color and champagne being absolutely stunning! Now I'm regretting my self-imposed shopping ban for June! Help! haha)

Monday 30 May 2011

Mintsicle Pastel Pop

Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging. And that's okay! That's okay, I have to remind myself constantly. Between being sick, missing work, pulling muscles and making plans, I've lost my blogging mojo a little bit! Mike's work schedule was crazy this weekend and I spent the whole time cuddled up on the couch with a bottle of Robitussin and some Kleenex. I'm happy to report that it's passing though! I've only got a slight remaining cough (thank goodness!). Thanks for all of your sweet words this weekend! You're the best! 

This outfit is what I wore yesterday when I went to the store real quick. Bad call on my part. You know those embarrassing coughing fits you get into in public sometimes? The ones where people stare at you, half in sympathy and half in that "the devil is going to jump out of your lungs!" way? Yeah, that happened to me yesterday. Awful. I didn't have a bottle of water or any hard candy with me. My eyes were tearing up from trying to hold it in haha! I reverted back to 7 year old me when my Nana always carried hard candies in her purse for that reason! Smart woman.

No color palette for this outfit because my CS5 trial expired so I'm trying to get that squared away. Not having PhotoShop/Illustrator is hard for a graphic designer. Also, you're getting a bajillion photos because I'm just learning Aperature and junk.

Today Mike and I taking the girls down to my parents house for a few hours. Just to chit chat, relax, and maybe get in the pool if I feel up to it. Nothing fancy but I wanted to share some love with the blog! xo

Ross no-name dress
Target cardigan
Rampage flats
Urban Expressions bag
DIY floral crown

PS; I still have a few large/medium sponsorships available for June! Email me at kaelahbee@gmail.com and I'll get back to you all tomorrow! 

PPS; Peep the two different shoes in the first picture! Yeah, I walked out of the house like that and Mike couldn't resist himself.