Thursday 27 January 2011

Things I Love Thursday

My weekly compilation of all things wonderful, beautiful, mystical and magical. I hope they're just as awe-inspiring to you! (This week's list is huge! So much amazing to share!)

♥ this movie. love. [he's just not that into you.] ♥

♥ this picture. i'd love to be there right now. ♥

♥ this typography wall. ♥

this pretty packaging. ♥

this brilliant collage. ♥

♥ this hilarious flyer. (click to see larger! you must!) ♥

♥ this! i love e.e. cummings ♥

♥ this too true painting! ♥

♥ this soup. (psst... it's true!) ♥

♥ this. such a truthful statement. ♥

♥ this way too dreamy mood board! ♥

♥ this poster. i'd be lying if i said i didn't cry. (click for larger) ♥

♥ this. four for you, glen coco! you go, glen coco! ♥

♥ this kitty! i hope a sphinx is our next family addition! ♥

PS; Unfortunately I could not find the original source for all items shown above... so if you know the original creator or owner of any of the above pictures, please leave credit or a source in the comments below! I'd love for the original owner to receive credit!

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