Saturday 22 January 2011

Apple Cinnamon Streusel

This was my outfit from Wednesday. I can't believe it's already Saturday and I'm only now posting it. Of course with the stress of the move and packing and driving and day dreaming about that sweet little home in Wilmington, I barely have any time for anything. Not to mention all the design work I need to finish! Anyway, I found this old frumpy cardigan in Mike's car (yikes!) and decided to pair it with these maroon tights. Something about these tights has me hooked lately! I'm so loving this color! The dress is an old Wet Seal frock from years ago, and the shoes are about to have seen their better days! The headband was a lovely gift from Erin of Sunshine & Carousels! (Look! I'm wearing a different headband for once! Huzzah!) I think I actually liked this outfit!

♥ wet seal dress, forever 21 bag + belt + cardigan, target flats, hue tights ♥

Speaking of daydreaming about houses and home decor, someone (hi!) seems to be slightly mistaken when they think we're moving to Wilmington in March, because we're not. North Carolina will be much later in the season... as we're shooting for the end of summer... but all is subject to change of course. March, however, will bring about a wonderful adventure with wonderful friends! Miss Susannah and her beau, Chris, will be driving down from their windy suburb of Chicago to roadtrip with us back east! They need to experience the magic that is Wilmington! (Seriously.. convince them to move! Apparently I'm not persuasive enough!) Anyway, I cannot wait! It will be such a fun week!

Right now we're trying to piece together our house. Seems Pipkin took a liking to the bathroom cabinets... and the wall... oh, and the door, too... as they all have remnants of her little paws and jaw. It's going to be a nightmare to try and fix but here goes nothing! Hopefully that $700 deposit does us some good! We took our biggest load of furniture on Thursday (and got caught in the snow/ice!) and now all that is left is our bed, bookshelf, tv stand and random odds and ends. I've been sleeping horribly lately as our bed is in our living room downstairs! The dogs bark at every instance of our neighbor slamming their door (won't miss that!). It also doesn't get dark enough for me to sleep comfortable. I'm so ready to be back in a house with a stable bedroom and less of a chaotic mess! Moving is such a headache!

♥ don't you love mike's silly "kaelah" face?! ♥

Today Mike and I are venturing into Nashville to swing by and pick up the prize for February's giveaway! We're also picking up his last check from REI and I'm meeting my friend Elle for some coffee and chit chat! Then we're meeting up with our friend Justin for dinner and after I'll go back to work! Hopefully tonight will be as lucrative as last night! Wish me luck! xo

PS; Doesn't apple cinnamon streusel sound delicious right now?!

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