Wednesday 14 October 2009

Halloween Tablescape! Welcome to the 60th Tablescape Thursday!

Happy Tablescape Thursday!  Monday I shared a Halloween tale along with some Fall/Halloween porch decor. Wednesday was a day of Monster Mashing. And tonight...

Won't you join me...said the spider to the fly?.

Welcome to the Killer Cafe...hope the menu (click for a better view) meets with your approval. (Insert evil laugh)

No tablecloth is needed...the spiders have been busy covering the surface of our table.

You don't mind spiders...dooooo you?

At least they are tablescaping spiders... (Napkins were two for $2 from Walmart...that's dollar store it! Beaded napkin rings are from Old Time Pottery, $1 each. )

Dinner plates and bowls are from A Classy Flea...$12 for all of the Flea!

Pumpkin salads were $2 each from Wal-mart...

Crystal is Fair Lady by Lenox. This was the crystal I selected as a bride-to-be in 1978...never quite pictured it being used this way. (LOL)

I promised you food for our ghoulish feast, that is if you dare to eat! (Hee, hee) If you are a "Fan" of Between Naps on the Porch on Facebook, you already know what we are having. :-) I posted a pic for Fans earlier in the week. If you would like to become a fan, you will find the link posted on my sidebar. I'll be posting sneak previews and great shopping buys I come across each week, along with other fun things.

Ok, back to our tablescape...look what I did for you guys this week! :-) Yep, I've been baking...just for you!

Wilton Food Coloring Gels...have you ever used these things? After I heard Mark Ballard recommending them...I decided to give them a whirl. They are souper dooper concentrated, and just the smallest amount will color your icing...and your fingers...and your clothes...and your cat. Ok, just kidding about the cat...but these things are STRONG!

Spider Web and Ghost Cupcake Wrappers may be found online at Always Brilliant .

I whipped up the cream cheese frosting from Paula Deen's, The Lady & Sons, Just Desserts...

Recipe for Cream Cheese Frosting from The Lady & Sons, Just Desserts:

1 8-ounce pkg cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, softened
1 16-ounce box confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon pure almond extract

Cream together cream cheese and butter. Add confectioners' sugar and almond extract. Beat until smooth. Add the food coloring in before beating the icing too much, so you won't over-whip the frosting trying to add it in later. I'm speaking from experience. :-}

Oh, I see your glass is empty...let me fill it for you. The menu states we'll be drinking Molten Lava, Swamp Juice and Putrid Punch...which would you prefer? Perhaps a little of all three? :-)

Let's start with the Swamp Juice. Don't worry...he won't drink much. :-)

It's just getting dark out now. Oooooh, are you scared, yet? The floral arrangement in the background normally lives on a chest in my upstairs family room...found it many, many years ago at Old Time Pottery.

Candelabras are from A Classy Flea...$18 for both.

I placed a string of white lights underneath the table. It gave our tablescape a nice glow up through our spider web tablecloth. Tureen is Red Cliff Ironstone. Killer Cafe menu is from Dollar Tree.

Too close for comfort?

Another view of our cobweb tablecloth...

A little close-up...don't these candelabras look great painted black?! On close inspection, they appear to have been a dark brass originally. I never thought I'd like black candelabras, but I just love the way the detailing on these stands out with the black paint.

Thanks so much for stopping by for our spidery, cobweb feast...

Looking forward to seeing all the tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday!

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The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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