Friday 2 October 2009

Having Fun with Mark Ballard

Have you ever met someone and after only five minutes in their company, you knew you just loved 'em. Well, that was my reaction the first time I ever met Mark Ballard.

Mark Ballard is an artist, designer, decorator, speaker, author, columnist, chef, television personality and has been described as "a true Renaissance man with a Southern flair!"

I had the pleasure of seeing Mark in person when he hosted a small craft demonstration during an annual garden tour in Macon, Georgia a few years ago. He had us all laughing so hard that I'm not sure anyone was half paying attention to the faux moss finish he was teaching us to do on garden pots. Mark is known for the funny stories he tells while teaching you how to make a wreath or decorate a room.

Nationally, he is a hidden undiscovered delight. But in Macon...Mark's an outright STAR! Though Mark has not yet hit the big time, don't be surprised if one day you flip on your t.v. and he's right there showing you how to make a fabulous wreath or how to mix up some delicious pumpkin dip.

For Pink Saturday, I'm posting a few pics of Mark's home that he shares with his wife, Debra. Can you just imagine how much fun their two children must have had growing up in such a beautiful and whimsical environment?! One look at these rooms and you'll know why everyone loves Mark...he has a delightful, exuberant personality and a true love for whimsy that is clearly evident in his beautiful home. Now, how often do you see a living room painted Tiffany blue? :-)

Pics are from Mark's website and are also visible on Flickr.

I was actually lucky enough to tour Mark's home one year for one of Macon's Spring home tours. When you enter into the living room, it takes your breath away. It really is delightful!

Mark is not afraid of color...the walls of his dining room are painted a beautiful, bright pink. I love the mirror above the fireplace and the wreath carving/design below the mantel!

This is the view as you enter into Mark's sun room. Mark describes this room as "whimsical." I think this must have been an earlier pic, because the sofa is different here than when I toured his home.

This was the sofa I remember seeing on the tour. I love the bright colors against the black and white checkerboard flooring...they play off each other beautifully! I just noticed the wallpaper is different in this pic, too.

Easter time...

Another view of the sun room at Christmas time. That table must have been designed by Santa's, fun, fun!

If you'd like Mark to give you a personal tour of his home decorated for Christmas, just click HERE . Be forewarned, Mark very much has a southern accent...the one I heard all my days growing up in Macon. I had no trouble understanding him, but that's because I'm fluent in "Macon." (LOL) Personally, I love his accent, and I hope he never changes. But, you may find it a bit when he says "Baeeellll Dahommme...translation: Bell Dome. :-)

There was a time when you'd never, ever make it onto television with a southern accent. I think Paula Deen has turned that on it's head! Mark is often featured in shows for the local t.v. station in Macon. I'm not sure if he has a regular, ongoing show or if they are specials. This one was being shot in his kitchen. Wish I had more pics to show you of his's beautifully finished and decorated.

Click HERE to see his "Yammin It Up" looks really yummy! Click HERE to see how to make Pumpkin Dip...I really like how he serves it at the end. Click HERE for a "fishy" craft video. Click HERE to access links to some of Mark's other videos at . If you enjoy those, there are a lot more craft, cooking and decorating videos at, featuring Mark.

To read more about Mark Ballard and his career, click HERE. To see more of Mark's decorating, cooking and craft ideas, you may access his website by clicking HERE. Check out Mark's Online store by clicking HERE. You'll find some awesome cookbooks and beautiful holiday plates and prints available for purchase.

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