Friday 23 October 2009

Dish Heaven!

If you are a regular follower of BNOTP, you've seen some beautiful tablescapes I've posted recently that were created by Bonnie, a very talented and creative reader of BNOTP. Bonnie and I have become fast friends as we've shared our love for tablescaping and all things, dishes. But tonight...well tonight is extra special because we are going on a field trip! Bonnie has generously agreed to let us into the inner sanctum. But first, you must take the official Dishaholic Oath.

OK, hold up your right hand, and say after me: I promise I will not attempt to sneak anything from the shelves of Bonnie's dishroom, no matter how tempted I may be. :-) I will also, try to not drool or slobber on her beautiful glassware...much. :-) And finally, I will not grab hold to the shelves with a death grip, refusing to leave, making it necessary for Bonnie to call the Dish Police! :-)

Ok, now that you are all sworn in...hold onto your tablescaping hats and step right through that will not soon forget this space!

Here we are! :-) Ready to explore and take all this dish-licious scenery in? Bonnie's dishroom measures 9' x 14' and was added by her wonderful husband.

Ummm, wonder what those boxes are over there against that wall...let's go see.

Wowzer! Imagine, having all this great flatware available for your tablescaping! BJ, put that plate down. No, Kathleen...the candlestick has to stay. Errh, Sue, let me have that big purse you brought along; and may I ask...why is it so heavy?

Love how it's all labeled beautifully, so you can find just the one you want. Just grab the box you need and head for the table...fantastic!

Gasp! Someone catch me, I'm think I'm going to faint! Did I mention that Bonnie and her husband, Leon, entertain often? This dish room isn't just for siree, it gets a regular workout! No "saving the good stuff for later" going on here.

Did anyone bring a defibrillator? Seriously?! Beat heart, beat!

A few those green, pineapple plates!

Oooh, I believe we may have found the Christmas section! I have visions of Christmas tablescapes dancing through my head. Do you suppose we could talk Bonnie into a Christmas tablescape? :-)

Watermelon bowls for summer and pretty fall dishes right below!

Lots of beautiful, springtime china here!

Aren't these gorgeous?! Bet these dragonfly plates look fantastic in Bonnie's breakfast room...remember her dragonfly chairs from Met Monday.

One look into Bonnie's dish room and you just know she enjoys a bit of whimsy in her many fun, delightful dishes!

Ok, would someone please, get Gloria, Sue and Laurie some cold water...they're all three hyperventilating over there! I see some more pink for Pink Saturday. And blue...lots of pretty blue. Hey, this could be a Blue Monday post over at Smiling Sally, too! Isn't this a dream...stemware in all the colors you could ever possibly need.

Here's a great way to store all those napkin rings.

Yep, I've died and gone to tablescape heaven!

Bonnie, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful dish room! The idea of having a dish room is just brilliant...kind of a Butler's Pantry...but oh, so much better! :-)

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