Tuesday 27 October 2009

A Little Decorating for Halloween...

(If pics appear to be cut off on the right side of the screen, please try adjusting your resolution to the highest setting.)

Come on in! Welcome...so glad you are here!

I've been decorating for Halloween...would you like to see?

Stole the plant from the upstairs family room...it balances well with the height of the lamp.

Found the scary ghost about 20 years ago in a Hallmark store.

I warned you...he is scary! Yikes! When I first took a test pic, I was trying to get a shot with all the lights in the Entry turned off, and the shutter speed was a lot slower than I expected. Normally, I don't share pics where "the photographer" ends up in the pic, but this was just too cool to not share! :-)

In the Family Room...it was time to bring out the fall fire screen. Do you remember the topiary one that was here before?

It's been chilly here...let's get a nice, hot fire going.

How about a little snack?

Just sit down right here, put your feet up...and enjoy!

Have some yummy ginger snaps and hot mulled cider. (The mug is Fitz and Floyd and was purchased about 25 years ago at a F & F Outlet.) It's two sided, witch on this side...

Jack O'Lantern on the other. :-)

Years ago, my husband and I used to collect gnomes.

He did his undergraduate studies at Davidson College in North Carolina, and while there, he took a few classes with Dr. Tom Clark. Years later, Dr. Clark became well known for creating these adorable, whimsical gnomes, and we started a small collection of some of our favs. You may read more about Dr. Clark and Cairn Studios HERE.

Let's go in the kitchen and I'll show you what I used to make our mulled cider.

I really like this mulling spice from Williams-Sonoma. I buy some every fall...it also makes a great gift. Just put some in a kettle or pot on you stove when you have a party, and your guest will LOVE the way it makes your home smell. They will be begging to know the secret. :-)

You'll need a little cinnamon stick for your mulled cider. (The vulture piece is Fitz and Floyd, also bought about 25 years ago.)

Now you know I wouldn't leave the porch out...it needs a touch of Halloween, too! :-) The table looks so strange without a tablescape! LOL :-)

Keeping it pretty simple out here. Each time I show this area of the porch, someone always asks why I have a Christmas tree on the porch. :-) Well, it's actually a faux topiary in a Christmas tree shape. It's in a pretty urn and has dragonfly lights all over it. Wish I had thought to turn it on for this pic. It looks really pretty lit up on summer evenings and gets a bit of decorating come Christmas time. :-)

Remember the Max pillow I found while antiquing? Y'all said I needed to go back and buy it because Mr. Max had obviously posed for it...you'll find that post HERE. Well, I followed your advice and he looks pretty good with his fall colors.

Now we know what Max is doing when I'm at work...he's modeling for pillow makers! And I thought he just slept all day! :-)

Changed out the spring pillows on the swing with some pillows in fall colors.. The green of the cushions is such a great neutral...works well with any season.

Pumpkin came from HomeGoods recently. This beautiful lantern with the tealights at different heights, is made by Colonial Candle and is available HERE . Colonial Candle offers free shipping on all orders over $50 for BNOTP readers...just use the code NAPFREE at checkout.

Hope you don't mind sharing the swing. (Hee, hee)

The hutch got a bit of the Halloween spirit, too. (The pumpkin pitcher is another Fitz & Floyd piece...again purchased around 25 years ago. Pumpkin plates are from Walmart, recently.)

Ooooh, I should have moved this back a bit. I just noticed it looks like it would have spelled out the words, "Black Cat" right on the shelf...gotta check that out. :-)

This "wreath" hangs on the door to the breakfast room/kitchen. Found it at Michaels (I think) many years ago.

I bet you recognize this basket...it gets moved around...a lot. Sometimes it's on the front door and sometimes it's here on the door that leads from the porch, into the family room. I love it, but it's just not saying fall, is it?

Ahhh, much better! :-)

Found the green basket at A Classy Flea last summer...

Now this says FALL, Y'all! :-)

Thanks for stopping by for a little Halloween deocorating. I think I'm ready for the big night, now...one of my favorite nights of the year.

A little favor...if you enjoy BNOTP, please spread the word! Tell all your friends, neighbors, coworkers! :-) Call your local newspaper's Home and Garden editor and tell them about Tablescape Thursday. Help me grow Between Naps on the Porch so I can make it the best it can possibly be for you, my readers! I've said from the start, it's you who matters...the readers of BNOTP! Thank you for your loyalty and visits...they mean a tremendous amount. I do read and so appreciate all of your comments and feel so very blessed to have met so many wonderful friends via blogging! Truly blessed!

When my son was very young, I used to read poetry to him that was written by Jack Prelutsky. In 2006, Prelutsky was named the first Children’s Poet Laureate by the Poetry Foundation. He writes wonderful, whimsical poems for children and it's guaranteed to make you smile or giggle. If you have young children, check out some of his work.

It's Halloween
by Jack Prelutsky

It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night.

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gowns
We haunt the street
And knock on doors
for trick or treat.

Tonight we are
the king and queen,
For oh tonight
It's Halloween!

How about a fun treat? Click HERE to make Monster Munchies with Mark Ballard!

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