Sunday 4 October 2009

Create Your Own Plant Stand: Welcome to the 38th Metamorphosis Monday!

(If pictures appear cut off on the right side, please try adjusting the screen resolution on your computer to a higher setting.)

Yipee, it's time for Metamorphosis Monday and time to announce the winner of the wonderful Give Thanks tassel from The Tassel House!

The winner of the drawing for the beautiful Give Thanks tassel is...BJ, whose blog is Sweet Nothings. BJ, please e-mail me your address at and I'll be sure to forward it on to Angela. I wish I had a tassel to send to each and every one of you. BNOTP will continue to host Give-a-Ways from time to time, so stay tuned for more chances to win in the upcoming months.

Turning now to our Metamorphosis Monday party...I have a little query for you. What would you do if one day at your workplace, you discovered the items shown below were being tossed out...thrown into the trash? I know some of you are so creative and talented, you'd probably snag them and take them home.

Me? I would have probably looked at them, thought they were interesting, but wouldn't have had a clue how to use them in a project. Well, fortunately for us, Cheryl, a reader of BNOTP, is very creative and can't stand to see good stuff go to waste.

Cheryl told me, "I am a teacher and was looking at some of the "stuff" they were getting ready to throw away. Old "T" stand bases, tubes and blocks and other assorted dirty junk. I gathered up the things I thought I could use and went to work.

"I glued the kids blocks together to make a base for the column. Then, on top went one "T" stand base, then the cardboard tube got glued on. On top of the tube I glued 2 more "T" stand bases, small side to small side, and then I glued jute around the cardboard tube on the top and bottom for extra support. I used both hot glue for a "quick stick" and Elmer's glue for strength.

Cheryl continued, "I painted 3 coats of left over green paint for a primer, then 2 coats of black. I lightly sanded the edges and it was done."

Take a look at how Cheryl decided to use the column she created...

Cheryl said, "It made a great tall support for one of my pumpkins. As you can see I love Halloween decor."

Doesn't it make a beautiful statement in the corner of Cheryl's family room?!

Love the basket turned up on it's side...great idea for displaying more fall treasures!

What a warm, inviting room...I'd never want fall to end! The oranges and browns are beautiful against the soft green wall. If you decorate for autumn in mid September, which is right around the time fall officially begins, you'll be able to keep your fall decor up all the way until just after Thanksgiving. That's a nice long time to enjoy the beautiful colors of fall,right in your own home.

Cheryl, thanks so much for sharing this ingenious "Before and After," as well as your beautifully decorated family room!

Let's go see what everyone else has been working on...lots of wonderful "Before and Afters" await! :-)

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Please be sure to link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch, so your fellow bloggers who are participating today, will get lots of visits, as well.

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The following blogs are participating in this Metamorphosis Monday:

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