Sunday 11 October 2009

Decorating for Halloween! Welcome to the 39th Metamorphosis Monday!

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For this Met Monday, I thought I'd share the transformation my front porch goes through each year around Halloween. Normally it looks something like this...

But, then....................

On a dark and shadowy All Hallows Eve, a ghost, a witch, and a goblin cast long, dark shadows as they glide past the open flame of a lit gas lantern. The lantern glowed hot at the end of the meandering brick walkway...a walkway with more curves than a snake slithering 'round headstones in a graveyard. The house at the end of the walk was said to be haunted, and so it looked this night as an ominous glow emanated from each of its windows.

As they drew closer, frightful faces with glowing eyes and snaggled-tooth grins greeted these creatures of the night. Undaunted, the trio steadily pushed forward, making their way toward the crimson red door as dreams of chocolate eyeballs and gummy worms danced through their heads.

All but running now, they passed the evil glowing faces...

...climbing the steps in great anticipation.

Hearts pounding in their chest, the ghost, witch and goblin found themselves surrounded by frightful dead stalks looming high above in menacing forms...stalks that would surely come alive and engulf them if they dared reach to ring the bell.

A scare crow stood guard...taunting and daring the three to take a step closer!

Looking down, the ghost noticed the mischief of All Hallows Eve had already begun. He was sure it was goblins who had over turned the basket of freshly raked leaves. The goblin protested this accusation, glaring at the ghost, who was almost transparent in the glow of the lantern hanging just over their heads.

A mouse scurried through the leaves causing a cinnamon-scented pine cone to roll noisily across the porch, releasing more of its pungent aroma. "What is that smell," the witch demanded with a cackle? "Has someone spilled my cinnamon spell potion?"

The witch snatched up the pine cone and tucked it into the pocket of her long black robe...the cone would work well in her next fiery brew.

The goblin reached up to pluck an acorn from the harvest wreath hanging on the blood red door. The ghost stopped him dead in his tracks with an electrifying BOOOOOO! While the goblin sulked, as only a goblin can do, the old witch extended her long, bony finger in the direction of the door bell. The ghost and goblin held their breath and a hush fell over the threesome as they stood frozen there on the porch...watching intently as the door slooooowly creaked open.

No one really knows what happened that All Hallows Eve, but neighbors say they saw three shadowy figures scurrying away from the house that night, clutching bags bulging and heavy with untold spoils. They vanished into the darkness vowing they would return, again...

...that is, if their parents will let them go Trick or Treating next year, too. Well, now what else did you think was going on here? :-)

Looking forward to your Before and Afters!

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