Sunday 1 March 2009

Front Porch Addition or Renovation... Welcome to the 7th Metamorphosis Monday!

The metamorphosis I would like to share with you today, that of my front porch, was more than just a metamorphosis for my was a dream of mine finally becoming a reality. If you've already checked out the links on my sidebar, you may have seen most of these pics. For Met Monday, I've added a pic I haven't shared before...actually 2. They are of the porch that was the "inspiration porch" for my front porch.

For years I carried around a page I'd torn from an old issue of Southern Homes Magazine. The page showed a picture of a front porch I really, really liked. Periodically, I pulled it out, gazed lovingly upon it, then carefully tucked it back into my "some day" notebook. "Some day" finally arrived in October 2007 and construction began on the front porch. :-)

My front porch isn't a huge porch, or even a fancy porch...but it is a place where friends and family are welcomed and sheltered whenever they visit my home. It's a place where I can "play" with the changing of the seasons and holidays...something I could never do on my old "stoop of a porch," which badly lacked shelter from the elements.

Do you have a "some day" book or that's filled with wrinkled and sometimes drooled-upon, photos...the ones that represent dreams you carry in your head and in your heart? Don't give up...sometimes those dreams finally do come true. :-)

Ok, here it is...the never-before-seen, "Inspiration Photo" from Southern Homes magazine...

What do you think? After you view this metamorphosis, tell me...did my contractor come pretty close to building a porch like the one on this historic home? Note the lantern hanging down in the center of the porch...oh, how I loved that little detail! Each time I pulled this photo out to dream, I could see the hint of a red door. The red door may just be a storm door, but I was guessing the actual door was red, too.

This is a before pic taken after the old brick stoop had been removed and the concrete foundation had been poured. The old pediment was very pretty, but it was beginning to badly deteriorate on the far left end...note the large hole.

A new, larger brick porch has been built. Through this whole process, I was determined to enjoy the holidays...note the fall wreath in the midst of the chaos. (LOL)

Close-up of the herringbone pattern I chose for the new porch...

The old pediment is gone and it's beginning to look a little like the inspiration porch. The shrubs were removed on either side since the new porch is several feet wider than the previous brick stoop.

It's almost Christmas. The old shiny brass lanterns are gone and the new ones have been installed. The columns, my favorite part, are finally in place. Again, I was determined to not let a little construction stand in the way of my Christmas decorating. :-) The painters got busy painting the exterior after Christmas, as the weather allowed.

Before Pic of the badly tarnished/pitted brass lanterns...

New 'French Quarter' lanterns from Quoizel's European Collection...

A tease...are you ready for the reveal? :-)
White basket on door is from Willow Antiques, Too in Marietta, Georgia (770-426-3099); Daisies are from Michaels.

Note the hanging lantern in the center of the porch. The inspiration photo had a hanging lantern, also, and it was one of the features I really loved. Trim was painted a bright white, shutters, black and the door is Benjamin Moore 'Heritage Red'. :-)

So what do you think? Is it pretty close to the inspiration photo below this photo?

Inspiration photo again...I think the porch in the inspiration photo may be about a foot wider, but my contractor felt this was the right size for my home. I'm tempted to add some Chippendale benches, but don't want to crowd up the space too much. Can't wait to get some new shrubs back in on either side of the porch.

The first "4th of July" with the new porch...let the decorating begin! :-)

An evening view...all lit up! Welcome to my home, dear glad you are here!

Thanks so much for stopping by for the metamorphosis of my front porch! To view some spectacular "Before and Afters," be sure to visit the links posted above.

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