Sunday 22 March 2009

Renovation of a Foyer... Welcome to the 10th Metamorphosis Monday!

Ok, hold on to your seats...we're going for another ride this week in my time machine...back once more to the year 1991. Yep, I've been at it again...playing with that ancient VHS tape that shows the interior of my home before we ever made an offer and bought it. I paused the tape, took some pics and this week I'm sharing a "before" glimpse of the Entry to my home. The "after" photos may look familiar if you've checked out the post on my sidebar.

Are you ready to time travel? Step up onto the porch, close your eyes and hold on...we're on our way back to 1991! :-)

Woaaaa, what a ride! Here we are in the entry and it's do you like the "builder white" walls and the gold trim. Yep, it's GOLD! Hey, that's better than the green trim we saw last week in the master bedroom. :-) And note the dark floors...Yikes!

The shell niche in the entry was also painted gold...

While we're here, take a look at the dark parquet flooring. It actually looks lighter in this pic than it was, because this was taken with the front door standing wide open. It was reallllly dark and dated. :-(

Time to hop back into the time machine...we're going back to 2009. While we are traveling, take a look at the two "inspiration photos" I found in magazines for my flooring contractor. I loved the sunny, yellow color of the hardwood floors in these pics.

Ok, we're's 2009 and gone are the white walls and gold trim. The soft yellow paint is a Duron color called Sugar Cookie...same color you saw last week in the master bedroom. I love this color feels so inviting and even a little elegant! :-)

No more dark parquet...instead, we have tongue and groove, white oak, hardwood flooring. Most hardwood flooring you see in homes is done with red oak, but the contractor suggested white oak to better get the sunny, golden look I wanted. The flooring was installed unfinished, then it was sanded and stained on site. Yep, it was messy, but worth it in the end.

Another view...I added the french doors to this opening that goes into the living room. I have big plans for that day. :-)

Ok, grab hold to something...we're taking off again in our time machine...back again to 1991. What have we here? It's more gold trim and the previous owner's entry table. Do you remember what I put here?

In the blink of an eye, we're's how that area looks now.

One last time back in our time you have jet lag yet? Remember the ORANGE carpeting you saw last week in the master was all throughout the house. Note the stained balusters?

A full view of the stairway...didn't orange carpeting go out in the late 70's???

And here we are in 2009 again...for the "after" pic. We now have hardwood treads and white balusters...

A few more shots of the Entry today...this is the view from the family room doorway. You can really see the sunny, yellow color of the hardwood flooring in this pic.

The light fixture you see, is sort of a short chandelier. I know it's hard to see it in the pic since it's all lit up, but there are crystals all the way around the outside. I was not able to use a longer hanging fixture without completely blocking the face of the clock.

Close-ups of some of the details in this room...

Tam at The Gypsy's Corner hosts Three or More Tuesday. I've always wanted to participate and here's my chance! :-) As you can see, I have a small walking stick collection here in my Entry...some are antique, some are new and some are just plain silly...Quack! Every room needs that touch of whimsy. :-) Click HERE to visit The Gypsy's Corner to see all the other Three or More Tuesday posts.

Brass 'Torch' Sconces by Virginia Metal Crafters...I have two of these in the Entry, one on either side of the french doors. I recently heard Virginia Metal Crafters closed up shoppe. :-( I loved their brass even more than Baldwin Brass, so I'm really sad to hear they are out of business. They were the official brass makers for Colonial Williamsburg for many years.

A view from the other side of the french doors...standing in the future "library." (LOL) We would need to take a ride in our time machine into the future to see that's a "someday" dream that is still growing in my heart. :-)

Well, now that we're back to 2009, let's go see all the "Before and Afters" posted for this Met Monday! :-)

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