Wednesday 4 March 2009

Tablescaping with Blue Willow: Welcome to the 28th Tablescape Thursday! Tablescaping with Blue Willow

Recently I was asked where I get my inspiration for the tablescapes I put together. I've gotten this question before and truthfully, I'm not sure I have a good answer...the reason being because my inspiration comes from a different source almost every time. If you have participated in Tablescape Thursday a few times, you probably know what I'm talking about.

Sometimes it may be the china itself...perhaps it calls out for a particular theme...the way my beachy china does with its shell and starfish design. Other times, I might be inspired by something I stumble across in my home or while out shopping, that's just begging to be used in a pretty table setting.

I was shopping at good ole Wally World right after Valentine's Day and they had all their potted tulips on sale for $3 each. I don't normally buy fresh flowers because I can't bear to see them dying after spending, what's usually a fair amount of money for them. But these were only $3...even I'll go for that! Though, I was tempted to buy them in every color, I managed to restrain myself and only bought one pot. Once home, I spied a blue and white pot in my garage...perfect for sunny, yellow tulips.

As luck would have it, the tulips fit right down inside the pot...container and all. :-) They became my inspiration for this weeks tablescape...can you guess which china I chose?

Yep, you got it...easy choice...had to be the Blue Willow. :-)

This tablescape is uncomplicated and classic...with its pallet of Blue & White...

Crisp, white, linen napkins fit beautifully with the clean, fresh look of this table setting...

Bet you recognize these little birdie salt/pepper shakers...I think every Blogger in Blogland has a set of these! (LOL) I've seen them on Shelia's table (Note Songs)...ummm...let's see...who else has these? I first spied a set at Judith's, (Sweet Designs) and she was so nice to share where she found them...shhhh don't tell was Target. You just never know where you'll find little treasures for your table. This is the first time I've gotten around to using them in a tablescape for TT. I bought these last summer, but the last time I was in Target, they still had it's not too late to snag a pair. :-)

Maybe we should have a "post your Target, white, bird, salt & pepper shakers day," all across Blogland...wouldn't that just be a hoot? We could throw Mr. Linky up and visit all the sites to see all the creative ways they were being used? :-) Ok, I'm off on a tangent...where were we? Oh, yes, we were in the midst of a tablescape. (Hee, hee.)

Friday is Foodie Friday, over at (Designs by Gollum) so how about some actual food for our tablescape! We've had quite the cold spell this week, even got some snow in...of all places, GEORGIA! So, I decided it was time for some homemade soup.

I love a hardy Vegetable Beef Soup and whenever I make it, I go a little'd think I was cooking for a family of 10! :-) I pull out the big dutch oven and throw everything in...fresh celery, carrots, onion, potatoes...some stewed tomatoes, peas, corn, little butter beans...and of course good hardy chunks of stew beef from Publix. My soups tend to be heavy on the ingredients and light on the "soup." I love a "stick to your ribs," kind of soup...would that make it more of a stew? :-)

You are having seconds, right? :-)

Ummm...a hardy soup for this cool March evening...

Hope you enjoyed this classic Blue and White table setting!

Please stop by all the links posted above on this Tablescape Thursday...I promise you will come away delighted and inspired!

If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Thursday logo button to your computer. Then you can upload it to your side bar and use it in your tablescape post so your visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Thursday.

Please do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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