Friday 22 April 2011

summer suits

summer is just around the corner. i love the fact that lately i have been wearing sandals with all of my outfits!! it's always exciting... so i have been looking for a new swim suit for the summer season as the ones i have are... not new ;) and i just love shopping for things that i really don't need. ha.

so. i was on shabby apple the other day just looking at the clothing that they had for summer and so i decided to take a look at their adorable swim suits. and i came across THIS:




i am completely 100% forever in love with that top. i am still trying to convince myself to spend $54.00 on it, but give me a few days and i'll have made my mind...

if you're in the market for some super cute swim suits, look no further than the following websites:

happy swimsuit hunting!!

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