Thursday 14 April 2011

And so it begins...!

On Tuesday, we had the pleasure of hosting a planning meeting for Real Maine Weddings winner, Laura Plaisted.  Joining her were her mother, Ellen, and her soon to be mother-in-law, Beth.  Amber and I were joined by the lovely Christine Parker from Real Maine Weddings Magazine.  There was so much support and positivity in the room you just couldn't help but have the warm fuzzies!  We all settled in with some delicious snacks from local favorite, Giacomo's, and got down to business. 

On the agenda was the discussion of the schedule to meet with all the generous vendors that have partnered for this amazing giveaway.  The decor, the dress, the jewelry, the cake, the food, the Inn, and more!  As Laura has the opportunity to meet with many of these vendors, you all will have the opportunity to vote on many of the elements of her and Nolan's wedding.  Every couple of weeks between now and September, you can visit to vote.  The first vote will go live on the 22nd, so be sure to keep checking in!

By the way, we can't help but mention how thrilled we were to hear "Team Laura" say they didn't know how anyone plans their wedding without a team of professionals!  Thanks, ladies!  Amber and I are honored to be a part of all this and having a ton of fun already!  You are making it so easy to help!  Muah!

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