Tuesday 5 April 2011

Hearts Driven by America

Okay... so. Finally! An outfit post! It's been roughly two-and-a-half weeks since my last outfit post and Yikes! I guess life caught up with me. Being sickly, then my birthday, and then moving. All in one fell swoop! We made time to shoot a few little piccy-pics of today's outfit outside our back door. Get used to this backdrop because you'll probably see it a lot ;) The light is perfect there after 12:30pm so I'm sure when we're rushed or feeling lethargic, it'll be our go-to solution!

The title comes from our building, paired with the outfit's color palette and prints. Rather than go in the nautical direction, we went for an All-American patriotic look. We live in the smaller of the two Marathon Motors buildings. They converted them to lofts so I decided to pair it with my Chevy bag I procured at Therapy boutique in California a couple of years ago. I honestly have never worn it. Crazy, right? It's kind of perfect. It's ultra roomy and the perfect little piece to top off the look. Sure, Chevy isn't Marathon, but it's the same theme! Work with me here.

Right now we're sitting in Starbucks on West End, leeching the internet. I've been trying to edit these photos (in the outfit I'm currently wearing, mind you!) in the middle of the busy spot and it's just awkward, awkward, awkward! So instead you're getting straight-from-the-camera. Dark lighting and all. Sorry friends! Either way, I'm glad to have something to finally post! We're hoping to get the place together tonight so I mayyyyy have pictures of it soon! We've put our heart and soul into that little place so far and we are in love! Anywhoo- We will have internet on Friday so I'm going to schedule the next two days and if you need to reach me by email, I'll be responding via iPhone.

Anyway, we're off to head back home and try and organize the mess that is our little place! Hopefully you'll enjoy tomorrow's reader submitted Wedding Wednesday and Things I Love Thursday! Maybe if I'm feeling frisky I'll venture out tomorrow for more outfit photos and maybe an impromptu post?! Who knows! Don't hold your breath... but maybe! 

Dress: Forever 21
Belt: Forever 21
Cardigan: Forever 21
Tights: Target
Wedges: Dolce Vita x Target
Bag: Therapy Boutique
Headband: c/o Sunshine and Carousels

PS; Don't freak out that I'm not wearing my engagement ring! We've been painting for the past 2 days and the last thing I want is paint getting on that ring! Peep the paint that won't come off my hands! haha

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