Thursday 21 April 2011

Little Miss Bad Attitude

Well friends, it's Thursday! We didn't really have any agenda today so we took some photos out in the hall (Mike likes experimenting with lighting) and then we headed out for Franklin. We grabbed some food and stopped by the mall. Such a bad idea since Forever 21 is overrun with cute things right now (and I managed to walk out with only 3 dresses). Now I'm formatting the sponsor post to go up a bit later and relaxing as we decide what to use the rest of our evening for. Looks like Harry Potter 7 and Nurse Jackie are in the lead! (Anyone else watch Nurse Jackie?! We started on Monday and are already in the middle of season 2! Zoey is my favorite! She's so funny!) 

The blog title is because Mike is being a Butthurt Betty right now! ;) We're talking about his birthday coming up (Cinco de Mayo!) and I'm being difficult and telling him I'm not getting him any presents! haha I wanted to name it "Pretty Pairing of Patterns" but he insisted that we went with this instead! Such a silly fella!

Anyway, this is the dress I ordered from TopShop for my birthday (I also got it in burnt umber!). It's 2 sizes too big but luckily you can't really tell when it's belted and I'm wearing a cardigan. It's also nice that it's big so I've got room for these big ol' hips! The length is a bit longer than on the correct size, too, so that's a bonus! The cardigan is from H&M when I was in NYC last month. They had them buy one get one free so of course I snagged two of this pattern (and 2 others!) because I really loved it. With fast fashion, I've learned to buy multiples if you love it! The belt is a 25 cent Goodwill grab!

I ended up snagging a pair of new black bow Blowfish flats today and a boater hat! I wore those with this outfit but that was after pictures were taken!

We're off to do something fun and snazzy! Hope you have a lovely day! xo

PS; Thank you SO much for the sweet comments about being ModCloth's Blogger of the Moment! Like a blogging dream come true! Please let me know if you bought the dress! I'd love to do a little dress challenge on the blog and feature you! xo

TopShop dress
H&M cardigan
Thrifted belt
Target tights
Target shoes

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