Friday 15 April 2011

Feelin' Fancy

I worked up the courage and confidence (finally!) to wear red lipstick the other day. I've kind of found myself a little bit obsessed with lipstick as of late but I normally gravitate toward very pale and pearly pinks. I wore it all day long, and even put it on again yesterday (in these pictures) just to feel fancy. I realized just how much of a pep it put in my step. It stands out, calls attention to you and basically says "OH HEY, I'M HERE! RED LIPS, Y'ALL!" haha I kid! But in all honesty, we each have that one little thing that we do to make ourselves feel special, right? Be it a certain dress, curling our hair, putting on our favorite hoodie to lounge around in (even though that seems so backward). Even when we have no intention of leaving the house, doing this little thing for ourselves can seem like a real treat. (Seriously, I'm wearing bright red lipstick with gym clothes and ratty gym hair! Can't get much classier than that! ;) haha)

So my question for you is...
What is your special little thing? What do you do for yourself to make you feel like a million bucks?

PS; My lovely friend Moorea wrote one of the most inspiring posts about growing up and being bullied. She challenged her readers to "Paint Your Love" and that means to paint your nails a different color to show that self expression is beautiful! Moorea has been a constant source of encouragement for me and she truly has a way with words. She's putting herself out there to relate to others. She's a total gem and I know you'll find inspiration and encouragement in her post!

PPS; My new fabulous red lipstick is L'oreal Infallible in Refined Ruby!

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