Saturday 4 December 2010

Sharing a Christmas Home Tour

I'm sharing a few pics from the tour I went on today. I wasn't able to take pics in most of the homes, but a couple of homes did allow some photography. Please excuse angles and some less-than-focused pics. I had to take pics quickly as people were moving constantly all around the rooms and into and out of my shots. I have too many pics to show in one post...but here's a few...just for fun. :)

I WANT a white picket fence~~~SIGH~~~

Love this magnolia swag...

Back porch decorated beautifully...

This was on the back porch above...

On a backyard picnic table...

On a front porch...

Hope you enjoyed coming along for part of the tour. Click HERE to see pics from another beautiful home I had the opportunity to tour and photograph last Christmas. :)

See you tomorrow night for our Deck the Halls Linky Party. Come join in and share some of the "metamorphosis" your home is going through for the holidays.

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