Monday 9 August 2010

MIXTAPE MONDAY: homesick (& post #666)

Happy post #666, little blog! (Creepy, right?) This week's mixtape is courtesy of Laura! She made it for me and sent it in a sweet little package and it's full of fantastic win! The first 8 songs are Tennessee-related since I was in NYC and the last 6 are just really great songs! Don't worry, even if you're not a native Tennessean or you don't even like our dear state, you can still enjoy it! (I love track #3, "A Girl Named Tennessee" by Needtobreathe!). If you like the mix, be sure to pop over to Laura's blog (she's one of my sponsors this month, too!) and give her two thumbs up and say hello! (You have to download this in 2 parts! Tracks 1-7 on Part 1 and Tracks 8-14 on Part 2!)

(click titles to download)


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