Wednesday 11 August 2010

Outfit Post : Wednesday, August 11

Today Mike and I ventured down south to my parents' house for some fun in the sun swimming and outfit photos on back-country churt roads. I look a bit silly in these because we didn't get very many before an angry old man came peeping around our business. These bike shorts aren't the most flattering things in the world with this dress, but they're a lifesaver when it's too hot for tights and I don't feel like flauntin' all I've got in a short short dress. I do love this dress though. Anyway, here you go!

Kaelah Outfit 8.11.10

Kaelah Outfit 8.11.10
Kaelah Outfit 8.11.10

{Outfit Details o8.11.1o}
{Dress: Madness Boutique NYC $30}
{Bike Shorts: H&M $6}
{Flats: Kmart $13}
{Belt: Thrifted, I think?}

Bee-Tee-Dub: Guess who is going to branch out of these daily black flats?! THIS GIRL! I hope at least. I only have a few pairs of boots and a few pair of heels that didn't get destroyed in the flood, but still, my feet are begging for variety so I hope I can find some stuff soon to wear! [Prob not tomorrow, as I have my outfit picked out, but we'll see!]

Oh, and here's a close-up picture of my calf tattoo as I realized I never posted the final thing when it was done. Now I need to get ready to endure the other side!

Calf Tattoo

And two from the pool, just because! [We shot more with an underwater camera but we haven't had them developed yet!] ANNNDDD two of Georgia because she's so darn cute!

"But I wanna seeeee"
G Taking a Ride

Tomorrow is my first day back to school [first day of my last semester!]... I have to be on campus at 9am. EW! And I think my class is solely underclassmen [which I don't really care one way or the other but hooray for not really knowing anyone and being the sole senior probably! Hopefully not!] Then I have downtime until 1pm. LAME. I'll probably try to get some blog-stuff done and I need to work on some blog designs for some people. Phew! Busy gal!

Now Mike and I are taking Baby G for her nightly dog park fun! We're going to go through the giantttt box of cameras we bought today while thrifting and I'll try to get photos of them soon! [we walked out with 13 Polaroid cameras! WHAT?!] Anywhoo, tah-tah for now!


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