Monday 30 August 2010

Tie Me a Bow

i am loving bows. bows on shirts. bows on purses. bows on shoes. bows on headbands. i love love love bows. i need to be brave enough to wear a huge bow right on top of my head. ♥ 

bows are always just so feminine and pretty. i love the way that they can dress up an outfit to make it THAT much more cute. i love to see little baby girls with huge bows in their hair. i just think that they are sooooooo cute.

i am in love with all of the cute etsy stores. people making flowers, and bows and cute cute accessories and sharing them with everyone. i think it's such a cute idea. if you are talented, and can make adorable things, i praise you for sharing it!!
but, take a look at these cute bows and tell me what you think:








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