Monday 27 April 2009

Exercise While Blogging and Working... Welcome to the 15th Metamorphosis Monday!

Metamorphosis Monday is all about Before and Afters. Today I'm sharing a Before and After that's a bit different from what I normally share...but, I think it's pretty neat! Recently when my friend, Pam, and I were "chatting" via e-mail, she mentioned that she enjoys exercising on a treadmill. Below you will see a pic of Pam's treadmill. This treadmill is about to get a stunning makeover! Are you ready? :-)

How do you like her treadmill now? Did you know you can read blogs AND exercise at the same time?!? No kidding! Pam told me she knows a blogger who has actually mastered the art of typing on her laptop while walking on her treadmill. Apparently, some treadmills come with a slot designed to hold a book and Pam's laptop fits right down in that slot. I rushed downstairs to see if my treadmill was designed that way......sadly, it was not. (Click on photo to enlarge for a better view.)

Pam said, "I also discovered that if I right and left click on the scroll arrow at the same time, I get a cool little icon that will let the page scroll all by itself! So, I get the page scrolling and I can walk away most comfortably."

A few weeks back when I visited my doctor for a check-up, he told me one of his patients uses a recumbent style exercise bike and works on his computer the whole time he's riding it! How cool is that? I love this idea...exercising and blogging; I'm all about multi-tasking! :-)

So what do you guys think? Please, if you do try this...make sure that laptop is REALLY secure. :-) Pam, thank-you so much for sharing these pics...I am totally intrigued!

Let's go check out all the other Before and Afters for this Met Monday!

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The following blogs are participating in this Metamorphosis Monday:

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