Wednesday 8 April 2009

Easter Tablescape! Welcome to the 33rd Tablescape Thursday!

A little Easter tablescape...hope you enjoy! :-)

Closed the shutters a we could enjoy the candlelight.

Happy Easter! :-)

China is Ma Maison, designed by Dario Farrucci for Tabletops...bought it last summer at Home that store!

A view of the dinner plate... Chargers are from Neiman Marcus or Horchow...forgot which. I saw them again recently on one of those sites, so they may still be available.

Napolean Bee Flatware is from Horchow or NM...bought it last year but it is still available, too.

The bees have landed on the glassware, too. The wine and tea glasses are made in France by La Rochere. In the past, I've only seen them available online or on eBay...and they were always a bit too pricey for me. A couple of weeks ago I found the wine glasses at Marshalls, for half of what I'd seen online on eBay. They also had the small water/tea glasses but they were a bit small. I looked again on eBay and found these 13.5 oz glasses at a price almost as good as Marshalls. Do you see the little bees that encircle the glass?

Close-up of one of the little bees...hope you can see him...glassware is a little tricky to photograph. La Rochere is known for making glassware that is especially clear...has to do with the "ingredients" they use to make the glass. I love the way all the colors of the tablescape created a rainbow effect. :-)

The wine glasses are filled with colorful excelsior and candy-covered, almond eggs, as well as these swirly lollipops. Each lollipop has a little candy critter :-) attached under the bow...this one is an egg.

A little bear...

A chick...

And a little lamb...

Every Easter tablescape needs a bunny! :-)

I found this little egg tree a couple of years back at Marshalls. Replaced all the eggs this year...the old ones were beginning to crack. The top looked bare, so I made the bow with some ribbon I found at Big Lots last year...then I just intertwined the ends of the ribbon down through the tree.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

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