Tuesday 21 April 2009

Christmas Shopping in April & Three or More Tuesday!

Back in November, I blogged about this interesting photo I found in an Orvis catalog...it was part of an advertisement for knives made by a French company called Laguiole. The caption below the photo read: French knife makers created ways to lie face down and save their backs...rather than sit hunched over all day...to hone knives on their sharpening wheels. The knife makers brought their dogs to the shop to keep them company and to keep them warm. Dozorme factory...circa 1900's.

I had never heard of this particular brand of knife, but you guys had! And after reading some of your comments, I knew this was a great knife made by a great company. So, here I am, months later shopping in Marshalls and look what I found! Each of these sets of six knives was on sale for only $10! Yipee! I bought three sets, one for me and two to give as gifts this Christmas.
Each set has a different style handle...the one on the left is stainless, the second has a pearl look and the third is a beautiful wooden handle. They also had a solid black handle...but I decided I shouldn't be too greedy...I left some for the other lucky shoppers! :-) Which set should I keep? (Click on the pics to enlarge for a better view.)

And look at this! Each knife, in each of the sets, has a tiny little bumble bee on it...reminds me of the Napoleon Bee flatware from Horchow! :-)

If you aren't familiar with Laguiole, here's a bit of history from their website. I think this may have been translated from French, because it reads a little odd. :-)
From their website:
1829: Birth of Laguiole knife inspired by the "Capuchado" local fixed blade knife with beech wood handle and the Spanish Navaja switch blade.
1840: The Laguiole adds an awl, used by the regional farmers to pierce the paunch of diseased cows.
1880: The Laguiole gets a corkscrew, essential tool for the Aubracians going up to Paris to be coal or beer retailers.
1981: Creation of Laguiole Knife Association in order to promote and develop a knife industry in the Village.

Since this time, Laguiole owns a factory with a forge and several knife assembling workshops. Some of them can be visited all the year long.

At the beginning, Laguiole was a very small rescue Chapel, depending on Alcorn parish. Etymologically, Laguiole comes from the word "La Gleisola" (1182) that means the little church. Its spelling should normally need a separation in the word to make appear the original article. Laguiole village is located in Aveyron Department, in Aubrac Region which covers three departments: Aveyron, Cantal and Lozère. The junction of these three departments is named the Three Bishops Cross. In the XVI th Century, Laguiole became principal church. The pronunciation Laïole comes from our ancestor's patois. The first houses of Laguiole Village were built at the north of the fort, close to it, in the quarter named today the Batut. Till end of XVIII th century, the village was protected by a rampart and a ditch (lou Bolat) situated at the present place of Valat street. On the slopes, at the south of the fort, were built several level houses which constituted Lou Barry, named today le Faubourg. At that time, the main street of this quarter was the "Bombecul" street. This denomination may appear, still today, somewhat coarse, bu it is the perfect illustration of one's body position if you have to walk up the street from south to north. Houses of this street and of nearby alleys are the living witnesses of these old days.

Here's a fascinating video...it will give you a whole new respect for what goes in to making these wonderful knives! The music they have playing along with the video is very pretty, so you may want to scan down to the bottom of the blog and mute my Playlist.

You can visit the website for Laguiole by clicking HERE

When I find a great deal, I just have to share it with you...my sweet Bloggy friends! Get thee to a Marshalls...posthaste! Merry Christmas in April! :-)

Today is the 23rd Three or More Tuesday and I just realized this post fits right in! :-) Stop by and say hello to our gracious host, Tam, over at The Gypsy's Corner by clicking HERE ...lots more Three or More posts await your visit!

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