Tuesday 7 April 2009

Target Birds on Holiday...Coming April 15th!

I don't mean to alarm you, but have you heard what is happening across Blogland? You haven't heard??? Well, it is just the most amazing thing! All those white, Target, Birdie Salt and Pepper Shakers, have flown the coop!

Yes, you heard right, they are all out there in Blogland, flying amok, and having the grandest ole time! It seems they all got together and decided since they have been working so hard appearing in tablescapes all over Blogland, it was high-flying time they took a little holiday!

When I heard the news, I could scarcely believe it. I rushed straight downstairs to where my Target birds, Emma and Harold, normally prefer to roost...right between the Blue Willow sugar and creamer.

...and it's true...they are gone!!!

Max told me he saw them when they first began their escape! He said the birds threw open wide, the cupboard door and hopped down one shelf...

...then right on down to the counter.

Then they ran across the kitchen to the door that leads onto the screened in porch.

Max said he did his best to try and talk them out of their crazy scheme...but the birds wouldn't listen and managed to get by him.

Then those little stinkers ran across the porch and out the screened door...

...right onto the deck into the rain, no less!

Max said the birdies then flew up to the deck railing, pausing for just a moment to breathe in the cool spring air. Then off they flew, chirping they were taking a holiday, but would return on the 15th of April.

So, fellow Bloggers...do you know what this means? On Wednesday, April 15th, all Target birds will be off the leash...uhhh, I mean off the table, and will be appearing all across Blogland doing the most amazing things! You'll see them on vacation, enjoying high adventure or maybe just running their everyday birdie errands. The only thing you won't see them doing is appearing in a tablescape...no siree...they are breaking out of the norm for that day!

Max said, Emma and Harold told him, after April 15th, all the Target birds in Blogland will be back working and appearing in tablescapes. But for that one day...Wednesday, April 15th, there's no telling what those silly birds will be up to. We just might see Target birds out cutting the grass or driving to their favorite restaurant for dinner...the possibilities are endless!

Since Wednesdays are fun days to participate in Outdoor Wednesday with Susan at A Southern Daydreamer, you may see Target birds gardening or playing outdoors.

And since Wednesdays are also a day for Wordless Wednesday with Dixie at French Lique, Texas , the theme being taxes...you may see Target birds hard at work on their taxes.

And we can't forget What's on Your Wall Wednesday with Barb at Grits and Glamour, another great Wednesday event to showcase our Target birds.

If you suspect your Target birds have also flown the coop and are out having themselves a grand ole time...drop back by here (Between Naps on the Porch) on the evening of Tuesday, April 14th, and link up to Mr. Linky to share pics of what your silly birds were doing while on holiday. Just remember, no pics of Target birds working in tablescapes...they are on vacation and having fun doing non-tablescaping things! :-)

Don't forget to copy and paste the Target Birds on Holiday pic/button shown at the top of this post to your computer to use in your post and to post on your sidebar if you plan to participate.

And if you don't yet have a Emma or Harold of your own...Target has these darling shakers for around $5 a pair. So go grab a pair and join Target Birds on Holiday on April 15th! :-)

Little reminder: Thursday is Tablescape Thursday...Mr. Linky will be up and ready Wednesday evening by 10:00 PM. Can't wait to see all those wonderful tablescapes! :-)

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