Wednesday 22 April 2009

Brian Joseph Atmospheres... Welcome to Hooked on Fridays and the 35th Tablescape Thursday!

Julia at Hooked on Houses is hosting a fun, weekly event called Hooked On Fridays. Well, I'm totally hooked on elegant, beautiful dining rooms, especially when they contain lovely tablescapes, so I'm linking this post to Hooked On Fridays. To visit Julia's wonderful blog and to see more Hooked On Friday's posts, just click HERE.

This is a very special Tablescape Thursday here at Between Naps on the Porch! I am sooo excited to share not only a beautiful tablescape with you today, but also an amazing dining room! My good friend, Pinky, recently shared a photo of the table her son, Brian, created for their Easter took my breath away! Brian is a talented Interior Designer and I am thrilled to offer you a peek into his gorgeous dining room.

When Brian first moved into his home, the walls/decor were done in pink and mauve. Take a look at his beautiful dining room now! The walls are painted a very pretty gray...doesn't it give a soft, romantic feel to the room? Oh, how I wish we could see more of that can see just enough to know that it's magnificent! Notice the wonderful china cabinet... take a look at it all lit up. Wow! If this side of the room is this beautiful...I wonder how the other side must look? Would you like to see? :-)

Absolutely stunning! I love all the lamp lighting...what a delight it would be to dine in this amazing room! This makes me want to rush downstairs and start painting my walls all over again! I love everything about this room...the draperies, the art/paintings, the lighting...well, just everything!

Oh, how I wish we had a close-up of the porcelain, floral napkin rings...they are hand-painted by "Pintar" and are antique. The floral place card holders are also made of porcelain and are actually named "Floral" by Royal Adderley.

This lovely china, made by The Garden City Pottery Co., belonged to Brian's great-grandmother and is over 100 years old. I couldn't help but notice the lovely patina of the sterling flatware...a soft, elegant sheen that only comes with loving use and the passage of time...truly priceless!

Now, I know you've been dying to hear about this stunning centerpiece Brian created using this beautiful, two-tiered, porcelain vase from the Jeanne Reed Collection. Brian generously shared his source for this is available online at Kevane and Company. You may order one for yourself by clicking HERE.

Brian filled it to overflowing with French pink tulips...breathtaking! I love the look of the lavender hyacinths paired with the pink tulips. ~~BIG SIGH~~

You just can't get more elegant than this beautiful table...did you notice the lovely silver candelabras...Brian tells me they are by Ercuis.

Would you like to see more? Brian has a great website, Brian Joseph Atmospheres, and it's filled with lots of amazing "Before and After" pics. Just click HERE to see more of Brian's wonderful transformations and talent!

Thank you, Brian, for sharing your beautiful home and Easter tablescape with us for this Tablescape Thursday...I love your style! :-)

If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. If you aren't sure how to obtain your permalink or have any questions about using Mr. Linky for this post, just click on the pink TT logo in my sidebar for detailed instructions.

Please copy and paste the Tablescape Thursday logo button to your computer. Then you can upload it to your side bar and use it in your tablescape post so your visitors will know you are participating.

Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted on this Tablescape Thursday.

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The following blogs have lovely tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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